Our father's son the both of us

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Kaeya didn't remember how he ended up in his old room.

He didn't even remember going to bed.

How much did he have last night?

With a sigh, he got up and took in what remained of his old life.

To his surprise, it looked as if he had never left.

Everything was dusted and it was mostly clean with the exception of clothes that were dirty.

Though odd, Kaeya just moved to the door to make sure he wouldn't run into his 'former' brother.

Unfortunately, Diluc happened to be walking out of his room the second he stuck his head out.

"... What do you think you're doing here... Kaeya Alberich?" Diluc said while glaring into his soul as he crossed his arms.

"If I knew the answer to that, do you think I would be sneaking around?" Kaeya snickered back at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Haha, very funny. But do answer my question quickly. I'd rather not waste my time on... Unexpected matters." The red-eyed man replied to the other as he continued to glare at him.

"Aww, you're hurting my feelings, Master Diluc," Kaeya said, very sarcastically. "After all, where's your hospitality?"

"My hospitality? Why in the world would you think-" Diluc was cut off by the sudden sound of the opening room door.

"Boys, time for breakfast!" The headmaid Adaline exclaimed as she entered the room where the two men were bickering like a cat and dog.

"WE'RE COMING! See Diluc, that is what a good host should be saying." Kaeya said while he started heading downstairs.

Diluc held back the urge to punch him and took a deep breath. "Alright, you can stay for breakfast, no more... No less... Hear that?" He spoke quickly in response.

Kaeya was about to walk into the dining room when he froze.

"What are you doing, you numbskull? Keep moving or else-" Diluc started- but was cut off by an oddly familiar voice.

"DILUC, That is no way to speak to your brother!" The voice yelled at him from inside the dining room.

Diluc was too stunned to speak as he pushed Kaeya to the side to take a good look at the man in the dining room. Red hair... Red eyes... A bit of stubble on the chin... It couldn't be... No! It was impossible!

"Dad?" Kaeya said under his breath. As his eyes widened with shock.

"This... This is impossible." Diluc grunted as he began to walk out of the room, in denial.

But Kaeya stayed frozen in place. But he managed to grab Diluc's sleeve effectively stopping him from exiting.

"... Let my sleeve go..." Diluc replied a bit softly as he looked back at Kaeya who had grabbed the cuff of his sleeve

The only response Kaeya gave him was to dig his nails into his sleeve and subconsciously made the room colder.

"Are you boys alright?" Crepus asked as he looked at them with a perplexed expression on his face.

"I'm leaving." Diluc sighed as he tried to walk out again.

"Don't. you. dare." Kaeya whispered into his ear as he continued to grasp Diluc's sleeve.

"Now, now Diluc. That's no way to act as the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonious. Plus, I'm your father, no need to be so stiff." Crepus chuckled at the sight of his son's 'attitude'.

"He's right, we should sit down and enjoy this meal that Adaline so kindly prepared," Kaeya said, breaking out of the trance he was in.

"... You do realize this is probably a prank set up by Amber and Lisa, right?" Diluc groaned in response as he calmed down a bit.

"Now Diluc, that is preposterous," Kaeya said as he sat down in his usual spot, clearly playing along with whatever was going on.

"Ughh... Fine. But only this once I'll... 'Play' along." Diluc answered as he pulled his arm back from Kaeya's grasp.

Crepus was very confused about his son's behavior.

Finally after a bit of struggling, both the brothers were seated at the dinner table with their father as food was brought out to the three of them. The dinner table was silent as they all just kind of sat there and looked at each other awkwardly...

"Ahem... How was your night? I hope you both slept well." Crepus asked with a grin as he grabbed his fork and started eating his food.

"Kaeya was probably drinking before bed and got drunk and knocked out on the floor" Diluc commented as he took a small bite of his hotcakes.

"DILUC! That's not funny!" Crepus said with a disapproving tone.

"It's true though," Diluc responded as he sipped some grape juice from his cup.

"Now Diluc, it's not polite to say such vulgar things at the table," Keaya said in his usual sassy tone.

Diluc rolled his eyes and continued eating his food.

"Oh Archons! Look at the time! You boys should be halfway to work by now!" Crepus said as he stood up.

"Father, but I run Dawn Winery-" Diluc stopped for a second... He only started running Dawn

Winery because his father died. If his father is alive... What was his job?

"That's not funny, Cavalry Captain! Now go before you are really late!" Crepus said as he pushed his sons out the door.

"... I-I'm the Cavalry Captain?" Diluc stuttered out a bir as the doors slammed shut.

"Now what are the odds!" Kaeya said while smiling villainously.

"Ugh-... Just shut up before I do it for you myself." Diluc spoke as he began walking toward the City of Mondstadt.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Kaeya muttered as he followed Diluc to the city.

Author's note: chapter title comes from Madds Buckley's fan song so go check it out!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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