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Cassiopeia sat in the Slytherin common room quietly reading a romance novel that her aunt had just sent to her. Suddenly someone burst into the common room. Umbridge. What does she want?

-Miss Burke I need you in my office, now. Umbridge said trying to conceal the demand in her voice
-why's that professor?
-I need help and I'm afraid that you're the only one who can help me
-if that's the case then I'll have to help you am I right?
-such a bright girl you are

Cassiopeia followed her to her office where The minister himself was with my own dad. With confused eyes she drew her eyes around the room noticing the inquisitorial squad standing beside the flow network in Umbridge's office.
The girl could see her friends Pansy, Daphne, Astoria, Tracy, Millicent, Blaise and Crab and Goyle.

Cassiopeia feels someone's gaze locked on her. Turns out to be Draco Malfoy himself, the womanizer of the whole school. Blaise isn't she knows him he's too much of a softie. His other friend Theodore on the other hand. He's had an intercourse with half the schools girls population maybe less but Cassiopeia knows for sure Draco has had way more. Draco and Theodore aren't unattractive, they're very much the opposite. Even Cassiopeia would admit it if on of them shot their shot on her she would say yes. But because of her age that would never happen.

Yet Draco is starting at her as if she is the only girl in the world . On the other side of the squad is Theodore glaring furiously towards Draco for some reason. It made her feel weird down there in a good way. She liked Nott more because his hair is gorgeous always styled and slightly curled while Draco looked like he was already starting to bald unless he finally noticed and does something to fix it.

Suddenly a voice takes her back to the real world
-miss Burke as I told you we need help with something major
Cassiopeia nods
- I heard you're quite friendly with a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor named Cho Chang and Neville Longbottom am I correct?
-yes Professor. Suddenly she feels nervous. What if she's here to be punished for being friendly with other houses. She became friends with Cho because they share the same interests for things and Neville just helps her with Herbiologi work.
-I'm sorry if I'm here because I've been to friendly with other houses I just longed for someone who shared the exact same interests as me and Longbottom just helps me with any work in Herbiologi because I didn't want Professor Sprout to see me struggling. The poor girl rantet

-Oh my princess that's not the reason you're here. I can assure you that you've done no wrong.

Her father assured her kindly. He always knew how to calm down Cassiopeia. He's always seen his daughter as fragile resulting in her brother being very protective her two first years in Hogwarts before graduating and her father being very wary when men with their sons approach him with marriage proposals.

Cassiopeia smiled gratefully to her dad before turning to Umbridge so she could continue.

-You do know Harry Potter right?
-well I'm assuming that he's having many people with him train to be some form of army and fight off the Ministry something they won't be able to do of course. But we wondered if you've heard or seen anything seeing as you're not apart of the inquisitural squad so Harry potter wouldn't be so suspicious of you.

No answer came out of the girl making the adults except her dad coming closer to her.

-come on now I know you know something miss Burke
-be the sweet girl you are and tell us everything you know
Still no answer
She saw Theodore staring intensely at her in the corner of her eye making her breath deeply.
-you wouldn't want your dearest father to lose his job at the ministry Miss Burke

-Neville must have said something about Dumbledores army  this week. He said he was okay with you not 'properly' teaching us dada because he including many others had someone to teach them. I asked who, but he had realized he said something he shouldn't have said and ran out of the library. Cho said she had to go when a group of all houses except slytherin had said they needed to go. And someone said they needed to hurry because the room of requirement is far away.

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