False Rumors

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Attention people of Wattpad, if you are reading this now and heard the rumors that Wattpad is getting removed, I'm here to tell you all that it is completely false and was full of bullshit, however that does not mean stories were removed, it is a tragedy that they are gone. Now if you're wondering how is this app is still going to be alive, then allow to explain. If you all read the "Purge" on Reddit it was simply stating that stories were only being removed due to mature content, meaning that it includes sexual acts between characters, both characters must be eighteen (18) or older. More tame acts (i.e. kissing, holding hands) between underage (16+ years old) characters is still fine and sex can be alluded to, but may not be described. This means that the app will stay as long under these guidelines, in fact zer0420 stated and told me quote In quote that "They're most likely removing mature content if it involves characters under 18. So if a character is involved in a lemon that isn't 18 and above, it's mostly going to be removed." Further more, Warlord-Dregon said that "So, as long as YOU'RE NOT SEXUALIZING CHARACTERS UNDER 18, YOUR STORIES ARE FINE. WATTPAD IS NOT REMOVING EVERY SINGLE MATURE STORY LIKE SOME OF YOU RETARDS ARE MISTRANSLATING." So this means that Wattpad and I mean the app/site itself is not being removed. However, due to the spread rumors, someone must pay for what they done. So whoever what's the gossiping big little bitch. Step up now and explain yourself or if one of you knows who is the gossiping little bitch, then find that person and bring them here so they can faces for what they caused. Now then, I'm getting a bit of track. Since these rumors are completely false and the guidelines are only removing mature content, that means the app/site can stay. If you don't believe me that's fine. But the most important thing is that Wattpad is alright and safe, so it's only the guidelines below 18+ in mature content, so just age up the characters, that should work to keep your stories safe. Oh, and happy National Anime Day

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