Tryna Get Back Home And Fall Asleep

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Y/n's View

I hear knocking and I slowly open my eyes. Tate sighs and gets up. She gets dressed and walks out to the room. I close my eyes and hear a scream.

I quickly open them and Tate runs back in the room. She dives back in bed and pulls the blanket over her head.

"What's wrong?!" I ask, sitting up.

Tate doesn't say anything and I hear another loud knock. I sigh and get up. I get dressed and I walk down the hall.

I unlock the door and open it. I widen my eyes and freeze.

"My baby, oh, I've been so worried about you." Mom says hugging me tightly.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I ask.

"There's a tracking device in your neck... right where that hickey is." Mom says, pointing at my neck.

I quickly cover my neck and she chuckles.

"That's exactly how your father found you." Mom says.

"What?!" I ask.

"It's just to make sure you are safe. You are a very important person after all." Mom says.

"Where's the other one?" Mom asks.

"What?" I ask, laughing nervously.

"The one who gave you that hickey and ran away when she saw me through the peephole." Mom says.

"Uh, Tate." I call.

Tate peeks around the corner and I gesture her to come over.

"You screamed because you saw my mom?" I ask.

"Well, I saw your mom and two 7 foot tall men. I panicked!" Tate says.

"It's fine, dear. But we have to chat." Mom says.

I nod and let them in.

We sit on the couch and mom sits across from us.

"I watched your interview, it was very telling." Mom says.

My mom has also known about my sexuality but she's refuses to acknowledge it. I don't think she cares, she just kind of acts like I never told her. But at least she never tried to convince me to go out with a man.

"I was unaware it was this serious. I didn't know you were considering marrying her." She says.

"Yeah..." I say.

"I don't know what had gotten into your father but I think this is a wonderful thing. I was beginning to think I wouldn't live to see your wedding. I mean, Tommy's getting married soon. I never imagined in a million years that he'd do it before you!" She says.

Tate chuckles and I shake my head.

"Obviously your dad is feeling the pressure from revoking your title and I had a very long conversation with him about you. He would like to apologize and invite you both over for dinner." Mom says.

"And if I say no?" I ask.

"Why would you?" Mom asks.

I look at Tate and she nods.

"Okay." I say.

"Great! The jet is waiting for us." Mom says, standing up.

"Oh, we're leaving now?" I ask.

"Yes! Everyone is awaiting your arrival." Mom says.

I smile and nod.

Time Skip

Like That // Tate McRae ✓Where stories live. Discover now