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So this book is only centered in Q!Jaiden since there's only a few books about her and her QSMP Lore wich is VERY underrated.
And I know it's bc she didn't log onto the server very daily and that's why she wasn't seen by others streamers PoV unless there was an event going on. And that's a very valid reason if you only follow one or two streamers PoV
But Anyways..
I've come to introduce you to the Q!Jaiden Lore if you didn't really get the chance to catch up!

If you would like to catch up by streams there's this playlist on YouTube that has every one of her streams, her Twitch streams, and her unlisted YouTube streams. They're already in canonical and timeline order so if you'd like to catch up by that then go ahead! Here's the Link!

(If for some reason the link does not work just look up "Jaiden Qsmp Playlist" there are two, the one i'm talking about is the one that has like 127 videos or something like that)

Also, if you notice there's some other streamers PoV's, most of them are to catch up on the Qsmp lore and some of are just silly hangout streams (Chill streams)!! (I don't really think those are relevant in the Q!Jaiden lore so they're not relevant for this book and I will not take them in)

NOW, onto the REAL information abt this book (i'm rlly sorry for this long introduction i just needed to point that out)
-This book will NOT contain any Jaiden ship.

-If you did follow jaiden's streams either on twitch or YouTube and already know most of her lore don't come at me saying "This is wrong" or "That didn't happen" ...
Since Jaiden left the Qsmp we didn't really get an answer to the "Blue-Bird Project theory" and an ending for Q!Jaiden's lore so i'm just letting my imagination float ok? Also ever since she stopped streaming i haven't seen anything, i only know that there's black bunnies cucurucho-wannabes, that Bobby Fields probably dosen't exists anymore since all buildings were removed/moved to another place, there are Korean content creators and a korean egg (Chunsik or smth) apart from Pepito, Empanada and Sunny, cucurucho now has a son called Nacho(my beloved) , that the Eggs are gone for good and that QSMP is on its last days... so i'm sorry if there's actually wrong info 🙏

-The book will contain graphic scenes so if you're sencible to Blood or experimenting on humans I don't think this book is for you... And if you decide to read this it's all on you.

-I don't know how daily i'll be posting the chapters 'cause school and all that..My apologies 🙏🙏

-I'll use these for —"Thoughts"— —Normal speech— Normal narration/Actions [Me/The writer talking]

Thank you for your time!
And I hope you enjoy your reading!
⚠️None of the art in this book is mine (except the sunset drawing at the begining) credits to the corresponding artists⚠️
-529 words

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