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Cucurucho's PoV

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Cucurucho's PoV

My day started the same, I get up form bed, take my breakfast and start heading to the Federations main offices.
I sit at my desk and start reading all of the new Quesadilla island members information as i drank my tea hoping these wouldn't cause more problems than the previous ones.
Minutes later, one of my co-workers knocked at the door
—Come in.—I said as they entered the room with a new folder —Good Morning, what do you need?—
—Good Morning sir, here are the island members Mr.Duck chosed himself—They handed me the folder
—Thank you. You may leave now.—Once my co-worker exited the room I stared at the papers inside it.
—"Other members?.. He didn't inform me about any of this..."—As soon as I opened the folder my eyes opened wide...I stood up in disbelief

I stood up in disbelief

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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