Chpater 4- Debreif

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Please read at your own risk and take care of yourself❤️

It had been a draining day, but in the end it was so worth it to take Cam out of that soul crushing house. Knowing her childhood and everything she had been thrown at during her life, i am proud of her beyond words. Your childhood is meant to be full of bees and the pure beauty of nature, The sun hitting your skin whilst you have no cares in the world, The summer breeze, Chalk drawings on the sidewalk but for Cam it was so different. The bees were stinging at her everyday all day(her parents), The sun had never met her skin since her friends only wanted her around when they needed something, She had the whole world on her shoulder, The summer breeze was there however instead of chalk drawings it was her drunken dad asleep on the sidewalk.
As i try to come to terms with everything that's happened today: i notice Julien coming down from upstairs. "Is she okay?" i ask presuming she had spoke to her and then left her alone. "Yeah i think, she just went into her room and closed the door. So i've come back down to sit with you guys"

"Oh okay, well once maxine's come back in with phoebe can you both come up to my room.I need to talk to you both.won't be long just going to check up on her"

Living with each other can become manic at some points so we made a thing called "The queers inquiry's" which became a regular thing for me and the boys. When anything would happen that one of us wants to point out we call a meeting or as we call it a queer inquiry. The debriefs have helped us in arguments as you can call people out on their bullshit but it's also been a staple in our bond.
I get to Cams door and notice it's partially open, i peek my head in to see all of her suitcases and bags have been dotted around her room. Julien had already put together her bed prior to her arrival. Which in my opinion is pretty fucking sweet of her. Anyways, in the corner is her bed which was occupied by her, she must've been shattered since her hair was all up the pillow and a small bit of drool was escaping her mouth which did infect make me smile to myself. I leave her alone and close the door fully.

Glancing round the corner of the landing , i spot Julien and Phoebe make their way into my room. It was go time. Debating how to approach the question, i stand in the doorway,with a serious stance and a straight face just to make it seem that this was bigger than anticipated,waiting for them both to notice i was stood there. The look that came about their faces could make anyone cackle, they both looked at me as if to say {what the fuck are you doing}. I couldn't keep the 'serious' act on anymore letting a loud chuckle out. Immediately my hand went straight to my mouth so did regret forgetting we had a sleeping beauty in our house and it's no longer just us three. "What the hell have you called a meeting for?" phoebe asks. Deadpan. "As soon as i get to my point you'll know" i reply and wink at her.

Julien was adjusting her cap in my mirror that hung above my dresser alongside her rings. I whisper to phoebe 'i'm gonna mention the interaction they both had'. She started to giggle and nodded with approval. "What was that today then Jb?" i can just about make out her reaction through the mirror as my room was rarely lit up, a few small candles burning here and there but nothing to drastic to change the cozy aesthetic of my room.
She arches her eyebrow up at me "What are you on about?" she remarks with such a calm manner but i know deep down she knows exactly what i'm on about. "Oh you know just the causal, you freezing at the sight of Cam. Not only that but the hand placement you did on her back. JB as her cousin don't think i won't see the little things cause i will"
Phoebe again, let out a giggle "look at her face, JB you're blushing!!" She goes to stand on my bed to jump around as she's giddy but i don't plan on having a broken bed anytime soon so i force her back down. A small side eye gets thrown my way but i manage to brush it off. "so?"

"Guys it's nothing, i was just trying to make her feel welcome to her new home.You lot seriously take things so far" Julien grumbles.
"JB i'm just saying if you do find her stunning i'd rather you tell us instead of keeping it in. I'm not pissed about it because you deserve someone like Cam in your life. It's time to spread your wings and get mingling!!" by the time i'd finished my sentence i was behind Julien with my arms wrapped around her head smiling at her in the dusted mirror.God i need to clean it.
"FINE! yes, she's pretty i will admit that" she releases from my grip and leans against the dresser getting as close as she can to the door. "but i can't bring myself to start a new relationship after mags, it's hard to just let go. Cam deserves to be with someone who will be there for her, plus i've just met her!"
Phoebe finally getting involved mentioned:

"We get that, you and Maggie were together for a long time but did she treat you how you deserve? no not one bit J and i'm sorry to hit you in the face with pure reality but she was no good for you, you fell back into that shitty hole you fought so fucking hard to get back out of and would be drinking your problems away, if you weren't drinking you were out smoking the funky cabbage. We are so proud that you're now sober and i just personally think you'd be able to help her get over the shit she's going through right now and who knows the sort of spark that could form. I don't think i've ever seen your grin get that close to your eyes before until you actually saw Camila and you have the cheesiest grin going. Yes you have only met her today and i think i'm speaking for the both of us but me and Luce think it would be the best for you. The amount of things you've done in the space of 24 hours maybe even less for that girl is truly impressive . You built her own bed before she arrived so she wouldn't be sleeping on the couch because you quote felt bad, you helped her settle down and even said if she needed help you'd be there."

"I her bed because that's what any decent human being would do" J interrupts with a tooth pick placed between her teeth. "I'm sorry guys but i've only just met the girl and i'm not looking for a relationship right now. Let's just focus on getting tour ready and actually doing it and then i'll think about it but in this exact moment in time a relationship is the LEAST of my concerns." My bedroom door opens and off she goes to her room, until we spot her shadow comes to a stop. Confused both me and phoebe look at each other and make our way outside onto the landing not only to see the one and only Cam!!

"uh hi, i'm just going to the bathroom if that's okay" She says looking at us all confused, her hairs stuck up looking like she just got struck with lighting but i leave her be.

shit. she heard everything. Not long after the bathroom door locks, all of us are facing each other in disbelief.
Tomorrow is going to be one long, awkward day.


i personally think this is the worst chapter i've ever written . LMAOOO anyways what are we thinking about Lucy's point of view ? also sorry if the tenses change every now and again i'm trying my best to get the hang of it!! past tense: their thoughts. present tense: dialogue or shows (for the future ;). ) it's my first day back in school tomorrow so my updates won't be as consistent as they've been for the past couple of days.
(14/4/24) (10:42pm) 1248 words
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