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She sat staring at her hands as her pen twirled and twisted between her fingertips. Unexpectedly, the teacher called on her to ask her a question. Her heard dropped when she heard her name.
"Charlie. What is the answer?" Her teacher said with that 'this is your last warning' look. Charlie flinched and stuttered a relp that obviously wasn't good enough,
'"I-I'm not sure M-Miss..." The anxiety in her voice was evident, her hands were now trembling and her already overflowing thoughts ran faster, so much was running through her head that it started to hurt. The class started to hum with noise and snipy comments. She felt bile rise I her throat as the anxiety increased. She wished the world would crumble around her. She wished that it would all just dissappear! But of course. Life had other plans.
"Charlie Cole, grab your belongings. Your siblings are here for you." A teacher demanded as their voice echoed through the room from the doorway which they were stood in. The teached was looking her dead in the eyes. The whole class turned, eyes latched onto her. She was on the edge of a meltdown and just needed to get out of there. All she could see where eyes staring at her, allshe could feel was the presence of those eyes crushing her. She scrambled to grab her belongings and stuff them in her bag.

She quickly stood from her seat and hurried out of the class, as soon as the door was shut she sighed and started to calm down. The walk to the office was silent and felt like it took an eternity. Each step felt like a stab in the throat, she may have called down a bit, but one hundred minus one doesn't make it a small number. She felt her part of her bare foot on the ground as she walked, there was a whole in her shoe and after a while is wore through her sock. The floor was cold. She felt warm though, embarrassment and fear raise your body temperature.  They pass hundreds of door, behind each door were rooms full of thirty odd students, most of them corrupted by society and social media. Charlie hated this. Charlie hated school. Charlie hated people.

When they arrive, she is immediately faced with her older brother and sister, their names are Kyle and Bethonny. Their faces were rigid and they looked like they were 36 year olds doing their taxes and 70 other oeoples aswell. However they attempt to put on a happy face for their younger sibling, they never wanted to worry her seeing as she was only just a teenager. 'Charlie is a child', is what they always said, 'none of them should have to deal with adult stresses. They are children'. Charlie was far more mature than most realised. Charlie could see right through their 'we are fine' act. She could read them as easy as she could read nursery books. They were sleep deprived, stressed, worried and not to mention scared. She was slightly confused for a few seconds, completely forgetting why they were like this, but then it hit her like a rock.
Today was the court case. Today was the custody fight.

The Cole sibblings- Guardianship caseWhere stories live. Discover now