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Charlie's eldest sibblings, Kyle and Bethonny were fighting for the guardianship over her and her 3 younger sibblings. They had to indure their parents neglect and abuse, they were desperate to save their sibblings from it, because in their eyes. They were only young children. Naive and innocent. Although both were in their early 20s they had decent jobs and a steady income, Kyle was the oldest, aged 22, whereas Bethonny was 22, however they were very mature. The whole family grew up quickly. They had too. Their father wasn't a bad person. He tried and he cared, he stuck around. He never wanted to hurt or neglect his children, because he truly did love them. But love wasn't enough to divert his road to riches, he spent some time with them, and the time was almost always joyful and fun, he was just too deep into the world of work. Neglect from their father was never intentional. Their mother was a completely diffrent side of the scale. She was violent, neglective and couldn't care less whether her children lived or was buried 6 feet under, cruel was too small of a word to describe her. The continously cheated, lied and refused to love her husband, so one day sue lost him. Their father divorced their mother 2 years before but never bothered to take custody to court, he just prayed she cared about her kids more than she cared about him. She didn't. Their father kept the house which he rightfully paid for, leaving her to scram for another man to spoil her.

As soon as both Kyle and Bethonny were over 18, they moved into their own flat so that their sibblings could stay there, happy and safe. With Kyle being 2 years older than Bethonny, he got a job at 16 and continued it throughout his education, waiting for Bethonny, who also scammed for a job the day she turned 16. After that they just kept building their savings until they bought their flat, it was simple and small, 2 bedrooms, one bathroom and a kitchen merged with a living room. But it was a place to be free of their parents. As the 2 got older, they were opened to more opportunities, steadily their income became secure and they bought their first house together, each with their own room and attached bathroom, Charile had her own and the 3 youngest shared the largest room. To all of them it was common sense to give them custody, they raised and provided for their sibblings, this was an unnecessary fight. Yet a fight they must win.

Charlie looks at her sibblings, she could see their anxiety, their fear. She knew this would be difficult, the outcome could go either way. Kyle noticed how Charlie was inspecting them and gave a knowing smile through the fear, he pulled her into a sweet embrace before speaking,
"We need to head off then. Come on to the car, the other 3 are with dad..."
Charlie's eyes widened, that was not a good sign, they immediately left the office and proceeded to the car, Kyle in the top right seat, he was driving, Bethonny to his left and Charlie behind Bethonnys seat. They set off in silence.
"Are you scared?" Chalie asks staring out the window at the trees, she knew the answer, she just wanted to hear them say it.
"Why should we be?" Bethonny said with a gentle smile, "We will win."
"I will continue to take care of them if you don't though, I know I'm younger but I'm not ignorant. I know how stressful this is." Charlie said, her voice only wavering at the last few words. She was no little girl, she was more mature then they would accept.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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The Cole sibblings- Guardianship caseWhere stories live. Discover now