Cowboy like me

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{Trigger warning for this chapter- mentions of self harm and in the last 200 or so words, there will be brief self harm}

Alexa stumbled back, until her back hit the wall, knocking a picture off the wall in the process. The frame dropped to the floor, glass shattering in the process. She could hardly focus on the shards however, not even looking down, just merely flinching at the sound. She stared back at Lottie, "why don't we move away from the glass sweetie? And then we can talk." Lottie spoke calmly.

She vehemently shook her head, "stay away from me!" She yelled, "you won't let me talk, you'll just gaslight me like you always do!"

"Why don't we practice our breathing? You seem very overwhelmed, why don't we just breathe in and out." Lottie suggested, Alexa scoffed. "I don't wanna do some fucking stupid breathing exercises, I'm not overwhelmed, I'm rightfully angry!" She dug her nails into her palm, she couldn't be stopped doing it now.

Shifting slightly, she kept her eyes on Lottie, before diverting them to the glass briefly. It was at this moment that Daisy rushed into the rooms, "I heard glass shattering is everything o- oh!" She paused in the doorway. "Alexa, you need to be very careful as you come over here." She instructed.

The girl rolled her eyes, "now you're doing it too! You're both as sick as eachother and you're clearly too deluded to see it!" She yelled. The glass seemed to be her knight in shining armour, the only reason that the women weren't approaching her.

She panted, pure rage forming in her eyes. "Alexa what's wrong? Why don't we talk about it?" Lottie questioned. "I've already told you whats wrong and you're not even listening to me!" She pointed out.

"Okay okay, why don't you tell us again, and we'll listen?" Daisy proposed, Alexa glared at them. "You're treating me like I'm stupid, I know what you're doing." Her voice dripped with disgust, the smell of her own vomit was beginning to burn her nose, and everything was getting so...tight.

"I'm sorry, we're sorry, you aren't stupid." Lottie affirmed, Alexa wrapped her arms around herself, trying her best to hold it together. "Is this all some sick joke to you?" The girl questioned, not realising she was tilting her head slightly. "What's a joke?" Daisy gently enquired, Alexa hated how they were acting reasonable, because that's all it was- acting.

This was all some big show to them.

"You pretend to care about me and it's just..sick! It's sick, it's all sick." She repeated, sick was the only word she could think about, and maybe it was because of the sick infiltrating her nostrils.

Lottie twitched, how badly she wanted to get the girl away from the glass. "We aren't pretending to care, we do care about you Alexa, we love you." The brunette told her, "this is love to you?" The girl rebuked. "This? This is love!?" She gestured around, "you're constantly manipulating me...and making me feel weird, I don't like it!"

Alexa screamed, making both of the women slightly jump, pure anger coming out of the girl. She buried her face in her hands, rubbing her face before dropping her hands again.

"Why don't you step away from the glass and we can talk about it? It's very sharp and it'll hurt." Lottie softly stated, "because you won't let me talk about it! I've tried to talk about it, and the only reason my nose isn't being pushed into a god damn corner right now, is because you don't want me to step on the glass."

She let out a laugh, a painfully forced laugh, it almost hurt her throat to force out. She faked a pout, "oh you're so scared of your precious little baby getting hurt huh?" She mocked, she bent down to pick up a shard of glass. She carefully held it in her hands as she straightened back up. "Does this make your heart skip a beat?" She teased, analysing the glass that sat between her fingers.

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