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I had a power outage and that bitch didn't come on till like 9 in the morning... and it was 6 pm when I came home. What a bitch. Okay I'm done ranting.

Close Calls and Misunderstandings

Sebastian bit his lip, "I'm sorry. "

"For what?"

"Cheating on you. " He looked down.

Alden let out a laugh, " Sebastian were aren't together. We never were. "

"Yes we are. I asked you out the day we made love. " Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"No were not. " Alden defended.

"I thought it was something you wanted all along. " He cheeks tinted pink.

" I was, but now I'm accustomed to this no commitment. " She shrugged. " You should've came earlier with that. "

"We need to be together for the sake of our child. There are feelings here. " Sebastian rubbed his hair.

"We don't need to be anything but friends anymore. That's all I ever was to you anyways. "

Sebastian stood up. " I'm done talking to you about this. "

"Fine by me. Go out and take a smoke. I know you relapsed. " She went to her room, locking it.

Sebastian let out a frustrated groan.

Oh how the tables have turned.

Javi came over to a silent house. Seby was out smoking and rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Why are you always here? Don't you have a girlfriend? " Sebastian snapped.

"Because it's fucking America. And yeah I have a girlfriend, do you? " Javi snapped back.

"I doubt you can even be here legally. "

"Bitch I was born here, the fuck you talking about?"

"Fuck you. Go home. "

"Fuck you. You go home. Oh... wait. You don't have one. That's why you're here isn't it? "

Sebastian punched Javi in the jaw, causing Javi to pin him up against the wall.

"Fucking watch yourself. We know how this ends. "

Javi stepped inside, locking the door. He went to Alden's room, knocking on the locked door.

"Hola princesa.," He spoke his signature, so she'll know it was him.

She opened up, locking it back behind him.

" Sebastian has problems. " Javi informed.

"I don't want to talk about him. " Alden whispered seductively in his ear.

Javi half smiled as she pulled him to the bed. She sat on his lap, him biting at the skin right below her jawline. He got a moan out of her. He moved his lips to hers, tonguing her down.

Sooner than later, she felt his length press against her.

"Javi. "

" Yeah"

"Do me a favor please. "

"What is it? "

"Don't leave me stranded and empty. "

"I won't. "

Alden nodded, laying her head on his shoulder. He leaned her head up for get to kiss him. The door handle began to rattle, making Alden shift off of his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder.

Sebatían barged in the door.

" Man, what the fuck you want? "Javier had an attitude with Sebastian.

" Making sure you ain't doing something you shouldn't. "

"Fuck you. I do what I want. "

"I don't give a fuck. But you have a girlfriend and if you get handsy with mine, you'll have hell coming your way. "

" I'm not yours. " Alden rolled her eyes.

" I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the baby. "

Javi opened his mouth to say something, but closed it immediately, replacing it with a smirk.

"I'll talk to you a little later. " Javi said, kissing the corner of her mouth, winking at her, and leaving.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at him, walking out as well.

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