⊹ ࣪ ˖ wind

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season 1 #episode 1

⇢ ˗ˏˋ because love can burn like a cigarette ࿐ྂ




The two best friends were sitting in an old classroom, at the back of the room. Their knees together, their fingers intertwined, thinking about all the possible situations they could have with their mums once they get home from school.
It was the last lesson of the day, and Ant and Junia decided to spend their free period in school, to avoid their family drama.

"Can you tell me a joke or something? I'm bored" Junia played with Ant's rings, something she found out to be doing more frequently.
"I'm not exactly a person who know jokes, Juni. I'm like, naturally funny" Ant tilted his head down to look at her. "Well tell me something. Anything."
"Well now when I think of it, I do know a joke."
"Do tell me"
"Tell me, why is 'dark' spelled with a 'k' and not a 'c'?" She gave him a side glance, and shot one eyebrow in the air.
"It's because you can't 'C' in the dark"

Ant grinned at her and wiggled his eyebrows. "That was so fucking horrible Antsy!" She gave him a light shove and looked into his eyes, laughing. "But I got you smiling you, so that's all that matters." She rolled her eyes.
"It's really pretty, your smile. I like when you smile." Junias' face suddenly felt hot, and she knew she was blushing.

But they never lost the eye contact.

It was like they were in their own bubble, in their own world. They drowned out all of the students talking outside in the hallway. It was just them.
They both leaned it, brown eyes never leaving the blue eyes.

When their lips met, it was like they were in a trance, unable to stop, longing for more.
They had kissed before, several times even. Hell, they even did much worse than that, the map certainly wasn't lying. But this? This was different. It wasn't cute and friendly like the other kisses they shared. This kiss- it was hot, and passionate, like they were both telling the other a story, tounge to tounge, and they didn't know why this time it was this different.

June could feel one hand one her cheek, and the other on her waist, tugging on her red t-shirt. Her own hands found his dark curls, pulling at them slightly as they broke away from each other to pull of their tops. Skin on skin, both without t-shirt, Junia with her blue lace bra touching Ant's chest as their bodies connected again.

June changes their position swiftly, now sitting on Ant's lap, straddling him as he groaned into her mouth. His hands both found her lower back, sliding into the pockets of her jeans.

Quiet moans filled the room, their kissing never stopping. "Fuck, Juni" When he called her by her nickname, she let out a louder moan, squirming, as a shudder ran down her back.

"Hey! What are you two doing here! This room is not supposed to be used!" The teens untagled themselves as quickly as they could, eyes wide, both panting as they looked at their principal next to the cleaning lady of the school.
"Anthony Vaugh, Junia Miller! Put your clothes on, this just earned you a weeks detention! This is unbelievable! This school might just give me a heart attack one day." Miss Woodsy muttered the last part, and both got their clothes and ran out the door. Ant gave the woman a loapsided smile, to which Junia scolded him and took his hand, pulling him into the girls bathroom.

"Fuck! Ant!" As she looked at the big dirty mirror, she saw her lips red and puffy, noticing Ant's were the same. They both had a flushed look to their faces, still out of breath.
"Why'd we do that again?"
"I think it was because I'm the funniest person on earth..?" He looked up, as if he were thinking very hard.
"If I go home like this now, I might die three times!"
It was true, she was a mess with her hair completely tangled, her makeup smudged, her clothes crumpled on her body.

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