Chapter 11: Try

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Jordan read over the final draft of their essay, annoyed that their Saturday night had turned into a full-blown catch-up session instead of a night out with Steven. As they mentally checked off their to-do list in their head, they remembered their partner for their careers assignment hadn't gotten back to them about meeting up. They pulled out their phone and decided to attempt a Facetime chat.

"Hey," came a hesitant voice from the other side of the screen. Samantha sat there, Jordan could only make out a few dark shadows in the background.

"Hi, Samantha, right?" Jordan replied trying to be casual, they never expected her actually to pick up. "Is this a bad time?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I was taking a walk to clear my head," she admitted, shifting on the bench. "I know I have been a little quiet during class."

"It's fine, I just wanted to sort out who is doing what for the project," Jordan said, slightly concerned by the fact she was alone on a Saturday night. They wondered why she needed to clear her head. "But if now isn't a good time we can do this later. Maybe when you get back home."

"Ah, yeah I guess," Samantha said, she seemed to gaze off into the distance before speaking again. "How did you know you were... you know... nonbinary? Sorry if that is too personal to tell a stranger."

"Oh, no it's cool," Jordan acknowledged, trying to find the right words to explain it. "I guess I kind of always knew, I felt like I didn't fit with any gender identity and the expectations that came along with them. My parents didn't really seem to care, they have always been pretty open about being who you are."

"Ah," Samantha sighed, seeming almost disappointed by their answer, "I've been feeling not myself recently, told my parents about it and they exploded, hence the walk. I didn't even say I wanted to change my name or anything, I just said I have had feelings for other girls."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Jordan said, finally understanding Samantha's evasive behaviour. "Hey, why don't we put this project on hold for the night? Let me know where you are and I'll come get you."

"It's ok, I don't want to put you out."

"You're not putting me out," Jordan said just wanting to help her feel better. "We can walk and talk."

"Ok," Samantha agreed hesitantly. within the hour the pair were walking in silence, both unsure how to break the ice. As they turned the corner Jordan saw Derek's car parked in front of Rodney's house, they breathed a sigh of relief hoping a larger group hang may get the conversation flowing.

"Hey I have a great idea," Jordan said, breaking the silence, "This is my friend's place, we can hang out here. We don't have to talk about anything you know... but it could help take your mind off things." Jordan knew they were grasping at straws but they really had no idea how to get Samantha to feel comfortable. Samantha looked confused by their idea for a moment before nodded in agreement.

"That could be fun," Samantha said, following Jordan up the driveway.

Jordan knocked on the door, only to be greeted by a clearly frantic and upset Rodney. "Jordan? why are you here?"

"Oh we were just in the neighborhood, "Is this a bad time? Is everything alright?"

"Derek's stuck in the bathroom," Rodney explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "We are renovating the basement but some of the ventilation fell in front of the bathroom door and it is really wedged in there. It's a mess."

"Well this definitely takes my mind off my shitty night," Samantha said, eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Rodney asked, finally noticing Samantha tucked behind Jordan.

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