It was now Wednesday & my therapy session was longer than usual. She gave me 3 hours today which I didn't mind bc I had nothing else to do.

I was currently 9:30am & I was heading out when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it & saw Cookie. "Hi?" I asked. "Um hi. Can I talk to you about something?" She asked as I nodded. "I'm supposed to be going to therapy in the next 30 minutes so can you make it quick?" I said as she nodded.

"I know it's early but um, I was going for a walk this morning & I heard someone named Jolene or some shit talking to another woman. Basically saying that she was gonna break in your house while you were sleep & try to like idk hurt you. & I overheard her so I came here so you'd know. I know it's not my business but I know you told me something ab her Saturday & I just wanted to make sure you were aware bc I don't want you getting hurt." She said as I just smiled at her.

"Thank you for telling me but that hoe knows how I get down. I wouldn't be so sure about that if I was her. I haven't ever put my hands on her, jus threatened her a few time but I will make sure my judge knows this bc there no way in hell. She literally put a restraining order on me & now she's going around telling bc she's gonna hurt me? Yeah okay. We gone see." I said as she shook her head. "Let me handle her. You're already in trouble w the law right now. So you need to just chill & lay low until this passes over. I can give her a good ass whopping." She said as I just laughed.

"You not even my bitch yet & you already tryna fight hoes for me. Kelly won't even do that. But you're right ima lay low. But I can't make no promises to you. But I have to go. If I be late then they'll have polices out looking for me. I'll see you later." I said as she nodded. I gave her a side hug before we both left out. "You wanna watch movies at my house tonight?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes." I said as she laughed & nodded. "Okay just text me whenever you're back. Be safe." She said as I smiled & got in my car.

Therapy session
"You're 5 minutes late. You bette be glad I told them it was a traffic jam & that you'd be a little late. Now tell me the real reason you were late." She said as I smiled. "I ran into a friend & she was telling me that she overheard some shit. Basically the woman who I gave my man to, wants to break into my house while I'm sleeping & hurt me. & we all know how that's gonna go so I'd advise her not to do that." I said as she just nodded. "I do too." She said as we shared a laugh.

"So tell me about this friend. Bc you came in happier than usual. Is she just your friend? Or do you like her?" My therapist asked as I groaned. "Oh my goshhhhh. You & my best friend Kelly are just alikeeeee. So what if I like her? I can't be with her anyways." I said as she frowned. "& why is that?" She asked.

"Bc I don't wanna hurt her. I don't want my anger issues to effect the relationship & shit. So that's why I said that." I said. "Listen. If you really like her & if she likes you, then it shouldn't matter. You should be able to control it. Does she know you hav danger issues?" She said. "Yes." I said. "Then she should be fine. Y'all will be fine. If you like her then don't be scared to give love another try. Hell who knows, y'all might just be the perfect match." She said as I just nodded. "I'll talk to her about it. She knows I'm feeling her tho. But anywho. Let's get started on todays session." I said as she nodded.

"Start from where we left off at." She said as I nodded

After the bad news & shit, we decided to get back together & try again. He moved in with me & I trusted him a little more after that. So boom, we went back to our workplace. Which was a big ass tall building we owned in Brooklyn.

"Baby we have a host party tonight. The black attire party." He said as I nodded. "What time again?" I asked. "It's starts at 8PM but we have to be there by 7." He said as I checked the time. It was already 4 something so i decided to get ready. We don't have stylists & shit like that bc I choose not to so I have to do my own hair & makeup on top of finding my outfit.

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