Eleanor Snell and John Hargensen

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Later at the Dress shop, in the back room of a dress shop, Margaret sits at the sewing machine deep in her work. A customer's voice was heard yet Margaret chose to ignore the voice. Unfortunately for her, that approach would not last for long.

Is anyone working?

Looking up from the sewing machine, Margaret spotted a woman at the front desk. A rather anxious customer ringing the service bell.

Customer: Excuse me. ls anybody working?

Margaret focused on the sewing machine. In the woman's ears, the machine was as loud as a revving engine. She fed the dress into the machine, almost catching her finger in it. Finally, she stopped the machine, and cut the loose thread with her scissors. Clearly, she wanted no interaction with anyone but because it was part of the job Margaret had little choice.

She approached the front counter towards the customer. It was none other than Sue's mother Eleanor Snell (Cynthia Preston). She's dressed in a blue sleeveless top, which made Margaret uncomfortable. Especially since it showed off the woman's skin and therefore it is 'sinful' in her eyes.

 Especially since it showed off the woman's skin and therefore it is 'sinful' in her eyes

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Eleanor: Oh, Margaret.

As Eleanor gasped.

Eleanor: I'm sorry to disturb you. I don't know where Hugo and Gloria...

Margaret: Can I help you, Mrs. Snell?

Judging by the tone in her voice, Margaret wanted nothing more than to have this conversation over with as soon as possible.

Eleanor: Yes, it's Eleanor, I'm picking up.

Margaret looked toward Eleanor's ticket then went to seek out Eleanor's clothes. The awkwardness and tension hanging in the air was nothing short of palpable. But eventually, Margaret returned with the dress for Eleanor.

Eleanor: Margaret, I want to say how sorry I am about what happened at the school. There's no excuse for what Sue did, but she's a good girl.

Margaret: Are any of those girls good?

Eleanor handed her the money, creeped out by Margaret's words. Margaret put the money inside the register, and Eleanor looked over the dress, very pleased.

Eleanor: Oh, that is beautiful work, Margaret. Thank you.

Margaret listened to Eleanor's praise, in barely-contained anxiety and disgust. She pulled out a pen blade, which she used for work, and held it down by her side.

Eleanor: I love what you've done with the neckline. And the stitches. You can barely see them. So few people can sew like this anymore. I could never do anything like this myself.

Margaret's anxiety grew worse with each word spilled out from Eleanor. She pulled up part of her skirt and started scratching at her leg. Eleanor's words grew louder, ringing in her head, so badly she started cutting herself with the pen blade. In Margaret's eyes, this mother encouraged her daughter's sexual sins instead of protecting her the way she does with Carrie. The woman looked as if she could burst into tears or scream at the worst possible moment.

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