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Hello my beloved readers all you need to know about this book is right here! So let's dive in!

Are requests allowed?

Yes they are! In fact most of these oneshots will be based on requests! 

What is the update schedule like and how frequently are chapters published?

Updates will happen about 1-2 times a week depending on how busy it is.  If for some reason there is no chapter(s) in a week I apologize after all I am a student in two sports and multiple other activities.

Is LGBTQIA+ supported by me?

FUCK YEAH IT IS! If you ever want to talk to someone from the LGBTQIA+ community you have come to the right person. After all I am just your friendly pansexual nonbinary!

Can I request oneshots shipping both characters and the reader?

Of course!

Where can I request oneshots?

Anywhere! Wherever the hell you want! The floor, the ceiling, the sky, even Bakugo!


Me: "Meep." *nervous laugh* "Nothing! We will be right back!"

10 hours of explosions later...........................

Me: *In full body cast* Well uh anyways that's all folks. Fyi call me Kai! Bye...

Bnha/Mha x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now