Chapter Two-You're on!

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The concert was in two weeks. 14 days until Shannon gets to meet her idols. 14 days unil I get to meet 5 dorks. And 14 days that she will go on and on about One Direction, and I'll have to just sit here and listen.

That's all I could think about before I feel asleep last night.

That's all that I can think of now that it's seven in the morning and my body just chose to wake up at this ratchet hour.

I tried reading. Watching Tv. Going back to bed. But I still can't get them out of my head. (Get out get out get out of my head, and fall into my arms instead.....) I tried to wake up Shannon so she could make me breakfast, but of course she doesn't get up, so I go downstairs and look through all of her cabinets. All I could find was some pancake mix. So its settled I guess.

I got all the ingredients out and set them on the counter. I realized it was only me and Shannon in her big house, and I found a note written in fancy cursive. It read:

Mornin' girls, Or should I say afternoon? Haha. I got a call this morning from my boss and I have to work all day, and all night. Please no messes and craziness. I left my credit card where I always leave it, Hunter. And Yes Shannon, only Hunter knows where it is, and if you go shopping, you have your debit card, so the credit card is only for emergency's. YA HEAR? Well have a nice day/afternoon/Night. I love you guyssssssss.                           Love, Stacy xoxo.

I smiled, I loved Shannon's mom.

I neatly folded the note and put it into my pj shorts.

I turned on the radio and I was happy to hear Ed Sheeran, but what sucked was he was at the end of the song, The A Team. I just shrugged it off and put it at full blast, then I started mixing the Pancake mix which I ended up getting all over my hands, shirt, and shorts. I sighed and continued mixing, but then the horror happend. One Direction came on the radio. I frowned, but I couldn't change One Thing, cause my hands were to messy. So I just had to deal with it. I didn't realize how catchy it was, and I ended up dancing around the kitchen while making the pancakes. Literly. It would have been horrifying to see. But once the song was over, and the first batch of pancakes were done, I saw Shannon clapping as she held her phone up. She was awake, and took the video the whole time One Direction was on the radio. I sighed. "Don't you dare post it on One Of your social networking sites." I said.

She laughed. "Don't worry, I didn't post it on ONE of them, I posted it on ALL of them." She smirked. "I guess One Thing is your soft spot." she said.

"Soft spot? You make it sound... Sexual." I laughed a little bit while making another batch of Pancakes.

"Well maybe it is." She laughed. "You will be turned but the end of the week, no doubt." She laughed.

"Turned? Ok I know you watch Twilight, but c'mon." I teased. "I don't think I will be "Turned" into a Directioner anytime soon." I said.

She wiggled her eyebrows. "Wanna make a bet?"

"Depends on what I get when I win." I laughed.

"Ok If I win," She said with a smirk. "You'll have to....." She said while putting on her thinking face.

"I'm waiting...." I said while Putting the second batch on a plate and setting both plates, two forks, butter, and syrup on the table.

She smirked at me and giggle just a bit. "At the concert, you have to act crazy stalkerish towards Louis, dress like him too. I just figured Louis, because you act like him most of the time." she shrugged.

"Wait which one's Louis?" I asked

"The one who always wears the stripes and suspenders." She replied right away.

I sigh. "Alright, but if you lose, wait, lemmie rephrase that. When you lose the bet," I smirked. "You have to bring a cheese burger, and sit on the floor of the VIP room and make sure that when you eat it, it gets everywhere all over your face, the floor, everywhere." I said while still smirking.

"Whaaaaat?" She said making an "ewwww" face. Ya see, Shannon's always the one trying to impress boys. Weather it's the lastest lip gloss or the most padded push-up bra. So this right here, will be the most embarrassing thing possible.

I laugh."Yep, so, are we gonna shake on it?"

She lets out a small smirk, and she shakes my hand. "You're on!"

I smile. "Let the games begin" I shrug, and she starts showing my topless photos of One Direction, for hours on end.

All I can think of is, how Harry's V-line is so.... wqeifbiqwebfibeiqbfeibfiebf.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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