Chapter 3: The Man And The Guillotine.

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The sound of horseshoe muffled upon pressed earth, rhythmic and continuous. Eyeing the skyline through the trees, he gazed upon the night sky. At the shimmering stars and at Ignotus, and Cälid positioned over the northern continent of Ignie. Although they appeared minuscule as of now the further he travelled north the closer they'd appear. The moon's stood stagnant in the sky. Positioned in the four corners of Tricär. His professor had told him tales about the original Caster's who harnessed powers from the four moon's, each drawing from a different element of the Source. Still, he's never seen them do anything in his lifetime, just hang there, painted in the sky as a beautiful mausoleum of astrological wonder.
The sound of a ghastly croak forced the prince to focus his attention towards the black thick trees, before the horse stopped abruptly.
"Come on, we must go," Ryker murmured, patting the stallion's neck. The horse resumed its path in a steady, yet cautious trot. A twig snapped nearby moments before a small toad leapt onto the road in front of them. "See? It's just a harmless little toad—" Ryker announced, suddenly at a loss for words as a monstrous bipedal, amphibious toadstril squashed the measly toad under its webbed foot. "I stand corrected. RUN!" The steed reared back as Ryker dug his heels into its side, breaking into a sprint before dodging a well-timed lunge from the toadstril . In the distance, a monstrous croak erupted through the dense woods as the horse dashed forward, terror-stricken. The creature gave chase, keeping pace on four legs as it crashed through the narrow path behind them.
"Faster!" Ryker bellowed, flicking the reins and sending the horse into an impossibly fast gallop, keeping watch behind him as the bulbous shadow closed in on them. His palms began to glow red hot as he aimed his hand at the creature, green fire erupting from his right palm. The beast leapt, avoiding the sudden attack. The impact of its body hitting the earth thundered across the forest. 'Ah- it's no good,' Ryker thought to himself, as the beast closed in. The horses pace was dwindling as the amphibious monstrosity kept it's long powerful strides, becoming close enough to grab at the prince. He had to do something, just as he turned, hands blazing; the taste of spice, soot, and blood, intermixed on his tongue. The bolt of a crossbow soared from the treeline, landing directly into the toadstirl's glossy eye, stopping it dead.

Ryker dismounted from his stallion, holding a ball of emerald fire encasing his fist, embers burning wild around him. 
"I mean you no harm. Just looked as if you needed aid is all," a voice called from behind the trees before the shadow of a man emerged from the wood. Stepping into the moonlight, Ryker got a sense of what he'd looked like. He'd had a muscular build, enhanced by the armour he wore. Which had been covered by a thick navy coloured coat.
"I had it under control," Ryker announced, turning the flame in his fist to dance in the palm of his hand.
"Where are you off to at such an hour?" The man approached the prince, his features shifting in the firelight. He had a long nose, ruffled chestnut hair that had been cut short, and seaward eyes that held onto something Ryker couldn't pin. 
"Depends, why do you want to know?"
"Well. I just saw someone fleeing from a giant toad. I'm just making sure you're alright,"
"I- sorry, it's been quite the night." Ryker apologized "I'm travelling to Folktown, but after that I'm to continue northwards into Frostweild. How about you, are you a traveller?"
"I've been going from place to place, truth be told I'm on my way up north as well, my next stop just so happens to be Folktown," the man said, "if you want a second pair of eyes, I'd be happy to accompany you." 
"On a normal night I'd be more trustful, but with how this night has been I— I don't know,"
"Hey, that's alright, if you'd rather be alone that is fine with me." He turned from the prince, heading back into the thicket.
"Wait . . ." Ryker announced. "I could use your help. Thank you for saving me, I've never encountered a toadstril before, let's make a pact if we can't stand each other we head our separate ways after Folktown,"
"Sounds like a deal. Back home toadstrils, barbaxulotls they're a real problem, my brother and I used to hunt them, going for the eye is the quickest way to take one down."
"I've read so many books on them, but I've never heard of that!"
"Well knowledge has a funny way of revealing itself. Names Alkoris," the man said, outstretching his hand. 'Don't give him your real name whatever you do—' Ryker's thoughts screamed.
"I- I'm Ryker—" 'I'm going to die is more like it,' he mentally kicked himself as he took Alkoris' hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Alkoris said, "wish it was under less gruesome circumstances, but nonetheless, it's good to be in another person's company." Ryker didn't know exactly how to react to this. On one hand he felt ecstatic not to go about this alone, but on the other. He felt as if he couldn't truly trust him.
"Where are you from?" He needed to know more.
"I hail from Calryx, but I haven't been home in a very long time." He said holding the hilt of a short sword attached to his hip.
"Who's banner did you serve under?" Ryker asked, taking note of the emblem on his chest plate. The crest had been scratched as if a blade had made repeated contact with the metal of the armour.
"I served house Solérath, as a knight. But that's all in the past." Alkoris glanced into the night away from Ryker's gaze. The Solérath crest had been a serpent, with the head and torso of a lion consuming one's own tail. The house had been heavily united with the empire almost as much as house Marlowe. Fighting barbaric wars in the expansion of Mylenticore during the second Prysm war.
"You aren't tied with them anymore, are you?" The prince bit his tongue praying to make a quick break for it if the moment rose.
"No, no, not anymore. It's a terribly long tale, I'm sure it will bore you."
"We've got nothing but time,"
"Later perhaps, you've yet to tell me where you're from Pyromancer,"
"I— I come from Reighgar, but I had to flee," Ryker said, "I can never go back,"
"Don't worry you can trust me, although can I ask you something?" Akoris turned to him.  "Why is your fire green? I've never seen such a thing," Ryker paused for a moment, turning his attention to the green flame. Alive in the palm of his hand.
"I don't know, I was born with it, but besides the bizarre colour it's still as hot as any other flame." Ryker said, letting the flames curl and twist around his fingers. 
"Bizzare is an understatement," Alkoris turned to look at the sky. "We should get to Folktown before dawn."
"Are you put off by the Source?" Ryker asked as the flame he'd been casting turned to emerald embers rising into the night sky.
"No, not at all, I've just had a rough history with it," Alkoris began. "My brother was gifted with the Source, but because of it, he ran away. I've been searching for him ever since I left."
"Have you checked the Academy?" Ryker asked. The Academy hadn't been any ordinary school, it was the sole place in the empire where a Caster can learn and develop their skills in the Source. Ryker imagined being able to attend such a place, but whenever he'd bring it up to his professor he'd shed the question like a lizard to its skin. As Ryker saw it, either the place was paradise or hell, and with how he saw his life turning out. He wouldn't mind taking the risk.
"I went to the Academy first, but they wouldn't let me in, but I've been through two of the great kingdoms. That's why I'm heading up north."
"To Frostweild? Definitely not a place for either of us," Ryker said, turning to Alkoris.
"A kingdom of ice, iron, and blood. I'm sure we'll fit in nicely," Alkoris said.


They came upon a clearing. The thick trunks of trees from the Iron wood began to give way to a sea of mossy stumps. Before they saw the glow of civilization in the distance. Torches gave off a soft amber light upon the small lumber village of Folktown. The dull glow of dawn began to break through the darkness of the night, the two travellers made their way past an archway. They entered the town, passing by log cabins built from lumber of the forest.

"So, if you find your brother. Here, I-I'm assuming we'd part ways, right?" Ryker asked, walking in step with the horse and the knight. The houses of Folktown had been lined in a circular pattern spreading out in two rings. As they walked through an ally lining through the middle of town.
"I've been to so many places, and all i've found is a couple daggers at my back, and a family who wants nothing to do with me. If I found him. I don't know If I can even go back if I wanted to." Ryker came to a sudden realization. They had more in common then he thought, being banished from home was only scratching the surface. With no family to console, and mistrust at every corner. Each had nothing to hold onto their past. Determination being the sole force ushering them forwards. If Ryker were to get through this he wouldn't be able to do it alone.

Walking past an inn; Alkoris turned to the building before stopping. Holding onto the belt strapped across his chest.
"I'll be right back. I want to check to see if my brothers been here,"
"Uh alright, I'll be here. Don't worry," Ryker said before a brass bell rang, and Alkoris disappeared into the inn. 

Tying the steed to one of the beams connected to the inn, he made quick work removing any valuable jewelry from his person. Anything that would give him status. If he was going to make it to Ekorum he'd have to do it under the ruse of a wandering traveller, nothing more nothing less. Removing the ring engraved with the Marlowe family crest, the dragon spewing engraved fire into the gold ring. Ryker held it for a moment, placing it along with an Ignian silver chain, gifted to him by his professor. He placed them carefully in a pouch attached to his belt. Muffled shouts from inside made the prince question if his companion had gotten into a brawl before the sound of coughing could be heard. Weak and feeble. Ryker turned towards the darkness, his eyes adjusting to the night, but with the inns light it had been nearly impossible to make out the figure.
"Water . . . Please," the voice begged. Ryker approached snapping his fingers as a flame danced in his hand. He could see the person shroud in shadows darting along with his flame. There appeared to be a man in restraints attached to a guillotine. He'd been trapped in a wooden contraption acting as a collar around his neck with enough room in its center for a blade to strike. Ryker took a step back registering his request before he travelled to a nearby well filling his canteen to the brim with cold water. He swiftly made his return bringing it to the man as he chugged its contents letting the water trickle down his stormcloud beard. It was a while before the man spoke barely audible.
"Thank you," Ryker could tell he hadn't been there long but they definitely hadn't been treating him like a human. Fresh lashes and bruises painted his face crimson and violet. He'd been bound with brass cuffs encasing his conjoined hands. The restraints around the man's hands were engraved with Aeromancy Wards keeping his Source from exiting. 'He's a Caster,' Ryker remembered how the bracelet had felt. Making him increasingly ill, compared to how the gloves had given him no notice at all.
"I'm gonna get you out of here." Ryker said pulling himself up as the sound of a wooden door being flung open surprised both the prince and the captive.

"Stop bugging my patrons, your brother is probably dead or enslaved." A burly man in an apron said before throwing Alkoris to the ground in a cloud of dust. Slamming the door with enough aggression to break the hinges. He rose before dusting himself off,  turning to see Ryker. Flame ignited as he stood crouched next to the man in the guillotine.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"No, but he needs my help. What they're doing it's . . . barbaric," Ryker replied, getting to work as he heated the man's restraints. Alkoris approached the pair in curiosity.
"Well this is a perfect way to get captured, here it'll go faster with two people." Ryker turned to him, nodding his appreciation before the fire melted the metal chain releasing his arms, the brass mits still encasing the Caster's hands together. Alkoris broke the lock holding the man's head in place using the pommel of his short sword, as he lifted the wooden frame releasing him. The man collapsed into Alkoris, his legs feeling like sand.
"Help me lift him up," Alkoris said, grabbing onto the Casters arm before Ryker did the same. With their shared effort they managed to bring the man to a shadowed part of an ally. Where the man murmured his gratitude before the sound of a woman's voice cut through the silence of dawn.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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