16~I want to make it up to you

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I woke up late, way later than I usually do and my implants were not on my ears which was usual. But what I opened my eyes everything was completely unusual, I was still in Conrad's bed. His body facing mine and his eyes shut like an angel. But I had a little bit of panic, nothing bad happened last night after we kissed we just talked for hours until I fell asleep. About literally anything but our parents, or about Jeremiah and Belly. He was going to Brown in the fall, he said he was excited to go and figure out his path for life. I still have two more years of high school and I hated that. He's gonna be so far away from me and it felt like I finally found someone who understood me.

    I sat up and shook him awake, realizing if anyone saw us we'd probably be in trouble. Tonight was the night and I still didn't have an escort. So I didn't know what to do, he woke up looking at me with his eyebrows furrow.

    "What?" He spoke.

    "We fell asleep, it's seven in the morning." The moms usually didn't get up this early but, I assumed our siblings were awake.

    "Uh, okay I'll get you out of the room." I nodded getting out of his bed, it was so comfortable. I knew all our beds were the same but his was more comfortable for some reason. Conrad got up and peaked out his door. "There's no one out here, you're good to go." He whispered and I looked up and smiled.

    "Thanks Connie for last night." He nodded with a soft small genuine smile. 

    "Anytime, now go get ready you've got a big day ahead of you." I rolled my eyes.

    "Yeah right that." I nodded then turned around to walk to my room. Belly's door opened and out she came.

    "Oh, good morning Ollie."

    "Good morning."

    "Are you a little nervous?" I am but that's not the issue I'm having right now.

    "Well yeah but I still don't have an escort, so who knows what I'm gonna do." I explained with a sigh and she looked back at me sympathetically.

    "I know you're still pretty upset with him but maybe you should ask Jere? I talked to him last night. He's really sorry about what happened between you." She has no idea I know what they were doing in the pool last night, I knew just about as well as anyone else would that they didn't talk about me. They hardly did talking.

    "Maybe, we'll see how desperate I am." I walked downstairs with her and Susannah and mom were standing in the kitchen.

    "Good morning, my beautiful girls." Susannah greeted us I don't know how she could be so peppy in the morning.

    "Are we late?" I asked her and she shook her head.

    "No, you're fine." Her smile was huge, she was more excited than we were. "You guys ready for the big day?"

    "Not even a little." I huffed I was very little prepared, I suck at dancing and I didn't have an escort.

    "Oh yes you are I promise, why don't you just ask Jere? I'm sure he'll have your back make up for whatever happened between you." I knew she was going to suggest that too, it was almost my only option that this point.

    "What if I trip?" Belly asked and Susannah laughed.

    "You won't Cam is a good guy he'll catch you." She nodded and I felt the pressure of all of this. "Did I push you guys into this." I shook my head immediately, I wanted to do this.

    "For me, maybe a little at first. But no I wanted to make you happy." Belly explained, then why do it?

    "Look honestly we don't even need to go tonight if you don't want to."

    "I want to." I spoke proudly.

    "Me too, I want to finish what I started." Susannah smiled widely, hugging us.

    "I love you, my beautiful girls." I laughed a little.

    "I have a surprise for you girls." Mom held up a dress and a pair of bedazzled converse the ones with the thick platform.

    "You got me the dress I wanted!" Belly got all excited, it was simplistic but beautiful. Her other dress she walked around like she was extremely uncomfortable. I love my dress and she handed the shoes out to me.

    "I know how uncomfortable you are in heels Ollie. So I spent way too long putting sparkles on these." I smiled at the thoughtful gesture, I hate heels. I really hate heels.

    "We." Susannah laughed.

    "Thank you!" I smiled pulling them to my chest.

    "Now I'm gonna check on Belly's shoes, they're in the freezer." Belly and I looked at each other confused. Why? "To stretch them out."

    "You looked so uncomfortable in the other one." Mom said to Belly about the really simple, but beautiful dress.

    "I didn't think you noticed." It was very obvious. She walked like she couldn't move, it looked pokey. Like it felt itchy.

    "I'm your mother, I know you. Both of you." She looked at me too, I was starring at the sparkles.

    That's when I traveled off to find Jeremiah. I had to be brave, it was my only choice. He was sitting on the couch starring at his phone screen, texting. I sat down in Susannah's chair, with the shoes in my lap. I was too scared to say anything, I wondered if he would. Maybe I wouldn't have to make him understand, maybe he did. I had hope for Jeremiah and I's friendship.

    "Hey Olive?" I looked up at him and blinked a few times. "I'm really sorry." I couldn't tell if he meant it, is words were telling me one thing but his expression was showing that he was forcing it. I was never really good at reading peoples behavior.

    "Go on." I wanted to hear more I wanted to know he actually meant it.

    "I should have never acted the way I did, ghosting you when you're right in front of me. I know how excited you were to spend time with me this summer."

    "You hurt me, Jere." I knew he wasn't done talking but I wanted him to know. He was my best friend, my partner in crime, one of the people I could tell anything to.

    "I know, I know Olive and I'm sorry. I really am, I—I was a jerk and I shouldn't have done that to you. You don't deserve that, you did nothing wrong. You were just the kind person you are and I took advantage of that." He meant it, his voice was so serious it was chilling. "I want to make it up to you." I don't know if I can trust him the way once did. That betrayal was something I never expected and I'd take a while to recover from that. I've been betrayed by a few too many people before. "Will you let me be your escort for tonight?"

    I had to think about it for a second, but he apologized and wants to make it up to me. That's a start, I think I that could help. But it's not like I have a choice anyways.

    "Are you sure?"

    "Yes it's the least I can do." He smiled and a little bit of relief washed over my body.

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