Update- june 1st, 2015

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I hope everyone that is reading this informant is getting all or most of the information they are looking for. If not, please comment on one of the chapters and I or someone with more information will answer your question as soon as possible.

With that being said, I want everyone to know that I, myself, am not personally studying Wicca and Witchcraft any longer. If you have any basic questions, or want to ask for guidance, please do not be afraid to message me or leave a comment somewhere in this book.

And last, but certainly not least, because of all of you loyal readers and voters and commenters, this informant is one of the most popular Wicca informants on Wattpad and that is freaking amazing! But religion isn't the only thing I write about. I hope everyone takes a few moments out of their day or night to check out my other stories on Wattpad. There are so many on-going stories to choose from, so please don't be shy.

I hope everyone is living their lives to the fullest. Blessed be.

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