Personal Experiences

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Hey, I decided to do this because this is a big impact on everyone's lives. Well not if you don't care obviously but this happens everyday to people who are different. I didn't use to know how it felt like until I changed my religion in a way that I knew my family wouldn't approve of. 

This recently happened to me, in fact it was this past Sunday. I was leaving for SC to visit some family I haven't seen in awhile. Well I had told my mom earlier that week that I had changed my perspective on my religion. Surprisingly my mom didn't throw a fit like I thought she would, though my dad and step mom laughed at me. 

You don't think when you tell your family and your close friends that you are part of a religion that is growing everyday, and that has a connection to Paganism. You don't think it will hurt when you tell them, but when they don't approve, and they talk smack about it, it really does hurt someone's feelings. 

My mom thankfully didn't do anything drastic. That isn't the same for my step mom, she calls me a witch and laughs at me. But both my mom and dad think it is a stage, when it most likely isn't. 

Anywho, my grandmother asked me about my "secret", and although I wasn't ready to tell her I knew I wouldn't get out of it until I did. She was not happy. She told me that my religion was stupid and that regardless, without Christianity I wouldn't get to "Heaven" to see a close family member. 

Well, it may sound childish,but it brought tears to my eyes. Because I know that my family member would take me whichever way I came, that he would love me regardless.

I guess it didn't occur to my grandmother that Wicca isn't all that your World Religion class in college tells you. There isn't ONE way to get to "Heaven", all religions have their own "Heaven".

I hope by posting this, I haven't offended anyone or made anyone mad because this is how I feel. And if you think against it, and you have a legitimate reason, please comment or pm me.  

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