the mission

15 0 1

Your pov
You and giyuu were running up a mountain you and him got assigned to a mission to complete when you both got there you seen a demon trying to attack a human you lanchs forward and try to kill the demon but the boy protects it

"why are you protecting it" giyuu said

the boy answers "this is my little sister I took her to go get help! "

"You can't help her she's now a man-eating demon once their turned into one their is no way to turn back" you say being honest with the boy then the boy responses

"No that can't be true I'll turn her back no matter what I'll make sure she never harms a human!"



Time skip to when tanjiros knockd out bc I'm very lazy and I forgot the rest of the conversation🙄







You and giyuu are talking about what you both are going to do

"what are we going to do with him... Should we send him to become a slayer? "

You ask giyuu with a soft and gentle voice

Giyuu replys

You nod and say

"Do you think Urokodaki-San will agree to train him? "

"I don't know we will have to wait and find out" giyuu smiles at you

"I don't know we will have to wait and find out" giyuu smiles at you

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(Bro literally just ignore the blush💀✋)

You smile back

"Okay" you say

Then the boy wakes up then giyuu starts to speak

"You up?.. go to mountain.Sagiri theirs a old man named sakonji urokodaki he'll help you and your sister it seems to be cloudly so your sister should be fine never let her be exposed to sunlight my sister here will guide you their"

You nod then giyuu starts to talk to you he bends down yo you level and says

"If they try anything let me know okay? "


Giyuu speaks again and says

"Ok be save I'll be going now you know where to find me if you need me"
You nod then giyuu vanishes you start talking to the boy

"Hello I know I tried to kill your sister but I think we'll be great friends" you smile and the boy starts talking

"Thats ok thank you very much! "
The boy bows to show you appreciation

"N-no problem please stand up no need to bow" you blush and stutter a little bit your not use to people showing you respect or anything like that and the boy gets up and you start speaking again

"My name is Miyuu tomioka but please call me Miyuu " you smile softly and gently at the boy making him blush a little bit

"Ok it's nice to meet you my name is tanjiro kamado"
The boy now known as tanjiro says you nod and say

"We should be going now before it becomes sunny"

Tanjiro nods you both (or three) make your way to mt.sagiri you all stop by a farm to get some supplies to make a basket the sun alright made its way trow the clouds now its sunny so you all stop by a tiny cave for the demon girl tanjiro went to get the stuff to make a basket while he was gone the demon girl dig a hole to get away from the sun and she looks at you will a kind and Appreciative look tanjiro came back with the things to make a basket

"Do you have everything?"
You ask the burgundy
Hair boy

"Yes" he nods and gives you a smile tanjiro go's out said to make the basket while you play with his sister now known as nezuko (Just pretend he gave you nezukos name) after a while he finished and comes inside the cave

"Are you done?" You ask the burgundy hair boy tanjiro nods with a smile then he speaks

"Nezuko can you get inside the basket?" Tanjiro Questions. His sister nezuko get out the hole and crawls inside the basket but only her top half went in then tanjiro speaks again

"Hey nezuko . remember how you got big like an adult earlier? Do you think you can get smaller for me come on get smaller for your big brother " he pats his sisters back and nezuko hops inside the basket

"Wow I'm impressed!"tanjiro Exclaims while you just watch the siblings bond and how odd she is you think about how she can shrink and she doesn't seem to be hungry right now its a very new sight for you too see maybe a hole Unique sight you just Upserve the two siblings in front of you soon you start heading to Mt. Sagiri again soon it turns night fall and you both came across a temple but you and tanjiro stop in your tracks tanjiro smells blood while you sense a demon and dead people you hold your hand in front of the two siblings (nezuko already got out the basket)

"Stay here I'll go change it out" the siblings nods as you walk towards the temple as you unsheath your sword which the two kamados saw and made them worried as you walk closer and closer to the temple with your sword in hand you open the temple door (I forgot what the door is called in japan) you see a demon Feasting on a dead family you would wanna vomit but your already used to it so you waste no time trying to kill the demon the demon was probably a new one it was really easy to kill it as it faded to ash you Barry the family on the side of the house when you finished with that you went to the kamado siblings they stayed where you told them to and you say

" Should we continue our way to mt.sagiri?" Tanjiro nods and you all continue your walk to urokodaki after an hour it starts to turn sun rise

"You should probably put nezuko back in its starting to turn sun rise"tanjiro looks around and noticed it is starting to turn sun rise

"Your right!"tanjiro then puts nezuko in the basket and you continue your journey to urokodaki after a few hours you both are at urokodaki's house now you knock on the door a few moments later a old man with a tengu mask then you start to speak

"Hello urokodaki -San" you bow the continue talking

"I hope I'm no bother to you but im here to ask if you could train this boy right here?"

Urokodaki looks out the boy up and down a few time and then speaks

"We'll see" he Gestures you two to come inside you both go in you already know what urokodaki mean









Ok I'm done this took SOOOOOOO much long then it actually needed to be sorry for the sudden end but I have a mother Ducking headache I'm tired my eyes are red I haven't slept in a little more then 24 hours sorry again bye 👋🏻🖕🏽💅🏼

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