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Since the dawn of my awareness, the depths of the ocean have been my realm, where even sunlight dare not intrude. Here, amidst the dark waters, sea creatures of all shapes and sizes roam freely, alongside monstrous beings that haunt the abyss. As for myself, I possess power beyond measure, though the purpose behind it remains shrouded in mystery.

In my infancy, I faced the relentless onslaught of predators seeking to make a meal of me. Yet, I swiftly learned to wield my formidable powers, crushing those who dared to threaten me. The larger beasts, too arrogant to heed the warnings of their fallen kin, would often challenge me, only to meet their inevitable defeat. With each victory, my dominion expanded, marking the boundaries of my sovereign territory.

In this realm, might reigns supreme, and I, in my supremacy, dictate the law. Those who would challenge me soon learn the folly of their ways, for brute force is the language of the deep, spoken fluently by all who inhabit it. Such is the natural order: the strong command, and the weak either submit or face the consequences.

Yet, amidst the endless expanse of my underwater domain, a curious phenomenon caught my attention: the moon. Its ethereal glow cast a mesmerizing allure, drawing me to the surface like a moth to flame. There, beneath the canopy of the night sky, I beheld strange beings, unlike any I had encountered before. Fragile and beautiful, they lacked the monstrous visage of my oceanic brethren.

Their voices reached me, incomprehensible yet filled with urgency and fear. "It's a Bakunawa! She comes to devour the moon!" they cried, making noise with whatever objects they could find, desperate to drive away the perceived threat.

Amused by their futile attempts to deter me, I retreated to the depths, resolving to visit these intriguing creatures in due time. The allure of the moon and the mysteries of the surface world beckoned to me, stirring a curiosity within me akin to that of a child.


Hello guys! For those who don't know, bakunawa is a mythical creature in Philippines who was believed to be a moon eating monster. In this story the fl was that bakunawa but she was not a moon eating monster but a sea creature who was mesmerize by the moon's beauty. Later on the story, you'll find the reason why she's attracted to the moon and many things she'll witness as she became more curious in the surface. You'll also found out about her origin. One thing is for sure, she is as curious as a child.

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