Chapter 2.1: Tattered Memories I

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Ethan Looked over the river, the water reflecting some shimmers of the afternoon sun. "Want to take a walk, mate?" he said softly. "It might help with your memory."

"Yeah, let's do that." Lucas nodded, still smiling from his little dive earlier.

They started walking next to the riverbank, their footsteps blending in with the gentle sound of the river. The cool, crispy air carried the scent of light summer rain and a small hint of wildflowers. 

Ethan watched Lucas closely, searching for any signs of recognition as they passed familiar landmarks. The old oak tree, whose roots have grown over the path. The rusty remains of the bridge they had once used as a secret hideout, a memory of their shared past.

"Do you remember that place?" Ethan asked, signaling to the bridge.

Lucas stopped, staring at the structure with a tilted head. "It does feel... familiar,"

Ethan nodded, understanding the frustration. "We used to come here all the time. It was our escape, our hideout. We spent hours on that bridge, talking about our dreams, making plans for the future."

Lucas's eyes flickered, a small smile forming on his lips. "We carved our initials in the wood." his voice was filled with nostalgia.

"Yes, mate!" Ethan's smile widened. "E and L 4ever friends!" They both laughed at the memory, knowing that their silent promise of forever really did turn into eternity.

As they continued walking, Ethan started to notice a change in Lucas. His friend walked with his chest out and more confident, his steps grew bigger and his walk was more purposeful. The uncertainty that had clouded his lovely features lifted over time, it was replaced by a look of determination. Almost like retracing their old steps, was helping to unlock the memories buried deep in his mind.

Lucas came to a sudden stop, his gaze fixed upon something in the distance. "Look," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the whispering winds.

Ethan followed Lucas's gaze, his heart pounding. He saw something near the river, among the bushes and moving shadows. It was an old piece of clothing. It looked worn out but still had a bit of a pattern—a design that used to be bright. The fabric moved a bit in the wind. It seemed to call out to them.

Ethan reached out, and a surge of energy coursed through him. His fingers trembled as they neared the material, the weight of unspoken truths pressing heavily on his chest. He felt the rough cloth close to his skin as if it still had life.

Ethan felt like crying, so many feelings inside. His head was full of jumbled memories and blurry thoughts. He remembered the sun on his skin, the sound of laughing, and how everything would change. He tried to grab onto something, but it slipped away like sand through his fingers.

But he remembered most was his friend's eyes—the look of betrayal, the look that would stay with him forever. That look seemed to stick in his mind as he looked at the cloth. His fingers finally touched it, the rough feeling made him shiver. The touch was shocking, a connection to a past he tried to forget.

"What is it?" Lucas asked, his voice filled with concern, his head tilted and he cautiously took a step closer, his eyes switching between Ethan and the fabric. 

Ethan had to swallow, his gaze was still fixed upon the fabric as if he was looking for answers. "It's... it's nothing," he lied, his voice tinged with sadness. "Just... just an old piece of clothing."

And as he turned away from the fabric, the weight of his unspoken truths pressing heavily upon him, Ethan knew that some secrets were too painful to bear.

As Ethan and Lucas continued their walk along the riverbank, the memory of the tattered fabric lingered in Ethan's mind like a ghostly whisper. Try as he might to push it aside.

Lucas sensed the conflict of his inner turmoil. "Are you alright?" he asked gently.

Ethan hesitated. "I... I need a moment." His voice was barely audible above the whispering winds.

Lucas nodded and stepped back to give Ethan some space. Ethan moved to the river's edge, crouching down as he stared into the rippling water. The sunlight danced on its surface.

He took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill his lungs. The weight of his past bore down on him. Memories he had hoped to bury for so long, clawing their way to the surface. He could still see the look in Lucas's eyes, the disbelief and pain that had cut deeper than any physical wound.

Ethan's hands trembled when he scooped up some water, letting it drop through his fingers. The grounding sensation was a small comfort during his inner conflict. He closed his eyes, to try and steady himself, to find the strength to face the truth he had long avoided.

And like that, he turned and walked back to where the fabric was, his feet felt heavy with the weight of his memories. The ground beneath him was uneven, contrasting the insecurity in his heart.

When he finally got there he knelt beside the fabric, his fingers shook as he reached out to touch it. Memories flooded his mind—memories of laughter and friendship, of love and loss. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to feel the pain that had long remained buried. The fabric was rough against his skin, its texture a stark reminder of the harsh reality he had tried to escape.

And then Ethan gathered up the fabric and held it close to his chest, its presence both a torment and a comfort in the darkness. The fabric smelled faintly of smoke and earth, a familiar scent he had missed ever since his death.

When he returned to Lucas, there was a newfound resolve in his eyes, a strong will to face the guilt and the pain that had trapped him for a while now.

"Let's continue!" He said, his voice strong and steady.

With the fabric in hand, Ethan and Lucas continued on their journey to unravel the past, bound together by the memories Lucas had still to unravel. The path ahead was uncertain, but Ethan felt hope, for the first time in a long while, to redeem himself.

 The path ahead was uncertain, but Ethan felt hope, for the first time in a long while, to redeem himself

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