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Chester and parker opened the door to their shared home as Chester let out a loud sigh "dude..im exhausted" as he followed parker as they made it to their bedroom as Chester thew himself on one of the beds getting a chuckle from parker, "dude your on my bed"he teased and Chester only shrugged as he looked at parker, who was already in his bed. "you should take my bed since im sleeping in yours now" he said "what.." parker asked looking at Chester,as Chester stood up grabbing a towel "im going to shower" and with that he walked into the bathroom before parker could answer and closed the door.

after Chester finished in the shower he was in shorts and an old black shirt as parker went to shower, Chester found himself going back to the bed he was in before even though he knew it were parker's bed because they share the same room after all,he just can't help feeling lonely without parker being next to him."Chester?" a soft voice called out for Chester as Chester quickly turned around looking at the door and saw parker standing there in pajama pants and Chester's jacket, "cute top" Chester said sleepily as parker chuckled, "thank you I think" he said sitting down on his bed next to Chester.

"dude are you seriously sleeping in my bed, when you have your own bed?" parker asked as Chester nodded, "okay then, but if we get any diseases from being close to each other i'm kicking you out of the bed" he said as Chester grinned, "alright deal" he said as the two fell asleep on the bed sharing a blanket with eachother.

later on in the night Parker felt cold breeze on his leg realizing Chester had took all the blanket, Parker sighed in frustration as Chester snored quietly.Parker rolled his eyes trying not to wake Chester up and he slowly tried to pull away some of the blanket but Chester wasn't budging.

"Ches.. come on dude I'm cold" Parker said with his eyes still almost closed but Chester was lost in sleep "fuck.. " Parker mumbled as he rolled closer to Chester feeling a bit more warm from his body heat that is Chester, parker couldn't resist kissing him on the cheek as he did it softly hoping he didn't wake him up."sorry.." he mumbled to Chester as he felt more warm as Chester wrapped his arms tighter around him cuddling up on his chest as parker smiled to himself.

Parker woke up to find Chester fast asleep in his arms and he blushed knowing he has slept on his chest as Chester was cuddled closely against him, he couldn't help but smile at this sight as Chester's arm was wrapped around him so tightly making it hard for him to wiggle out of his grip, Parker thought about what would happen if Chester wakes up and realizes he kissed him last night and his blush deepens as his heart raced, "shit.." he mumbles to himself as he tries again to escape Chester's grasp he finally succeeded by pulling out of the hold and getting up to go to the bathroom as Chester yawned while rolling over onto his side.

Parker couldn't believe what had happened last night as his mind was racing he knew it was stupid to kiss his best friend but he really liked Chester and it seemed like Chester liked him too as Parker washed his face with warm water he looked in the mirror noticing his blush was gone and his hair was messy which wasn't the case yesterday, he quickly dried his face and headed to the kitchen as Chester sat at the dining table scrolling through his phone.

As soon as he entered the kitchen parker froze, as his blood heated up as Chester's eyes met his as he gave him a small smile and Parkers heart rate increased Parker could feel his cheeks flush as he gulped, Chester noticed he was acting strange as he put his phone down and moved closer to parker who was frozen with wide eyes looking at his best friend who was getting a bit close to him until they were inches apart "Parker? " Chester questioned as Parker snapped out of his trance "uhh sorry..I forgot I left something on the counter" he stuttered, Chester narrowed his eyes.

"oh okay" he said moving away from Parker as he grabbed whatever it was and sat on the opposite seat from parker "what do you want?" Chester asked ,parker was confused how his best friend knows what he wanted but he answered anyways "well um... I'm not hungry" he said trying to make the situation less awkward as Chester raised his eyebrows, "sure" he replied looking at parker as he grabbed his phone and continued reading whatever he was reading on the screen,"so where are you going today?" he asked looking at parker who looked surprised "um.. nowhere" parker said shrugging his shoulders

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