⭐your foolishness .1⭐

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prince X guard 

"i refuse!" the young uneasy prince parker exclaimed as he loudly shut his door sending a sound that could be compared to gunshot through the walls of the castle.

as he turned his back to the door he heard a soft thud immediately coming from his window at the exact second he slammed the door, in panic parker quickly pulled out his sword from his belt, slowly approaching his window.

he opened the window before remembering he was on the fourth floor and it was probaly a bird that hit the window, he placed his sword back to his belt before walking away from the window.

"little help here..." parkers eyes widened hearing a whisper from the opened window "help meeee..." the voice called out softly again

parker ran over to the window to see one of the youngest guards hanging off the wall of the castle looking up at parker with his bright blue eyes as he hanged onto a dagger lodged into the side of the wall.

he looked extremely uncomfortable as he stared up at parker with a very small smile on his face, parker chuckled letting out his arm for the fella to grab on and pull him inside, "bad timing?" the young guard asked with a slightly nervous smile as he dusted off the dust on his armor.

"really chester? midnight?" parker shook his head in disbelief looking at his best friend that snuck into his room during the middle of the night without warning "you're gonna get me into a lot of trouble you know that right?" parker sighed "and what were you thinking climbing all the way up there?"

parker crossed his arms in front of his chest frowning "well... i wanted to see your room...but i jumped up hearing the door" Chester looked like a lost puppy slowly pulling off his oversized armet revealing his soft blonde hair.

"and you could have fallen" parker huffed giving him a light shove "why didn't you wait till morn-"parker paused glancing around and seeing the open window and then at the still closed door "wait where's your room?"

Chester shrugged "im not sure,i only came here today and no one really brought it up" parker raised an eyebrow at this as Chester continued "i don't know i don't really think im fit out for the whole guard thing, im used to choir not this" he said running his hand through his blonde hair.

parker let out a groan as he ran his hand through his own dark blond curls "alright you can sleep on the floor or something im exhausted" parker sighed removing his cape and throwing it in the corner of his room "what do you mean the floor?? you cant leave me to sleep on the floor" Chester said sounding offended, parker glanced at his annoyed expression.

"where do you plan on sleeping then" parker replied crossing his arms "in the bed" Chester scoffed rolling his eyes pointing at parkers bed that was almost seven times the size of Chester's bed in the same room parker frowned glancing at Chester "theres no way you getting me to share my bed with you"

parker said turning around to his dresser and began pulling some clothes off of it "not now, not when i've got so many important things to do" parker finished pulling his shirt off, Chester sighed heavily and plopped himself on parkers bed making the springs creek "you really gonna stay?" parker asked putting his pants into their place.

"of course i am" the other responded happily "i want to be able to look up at you every day when i wake up" parker froze as he was pulling his trousers on,he looked down at his shirt and then over at Chester who sat happily waiting for him to say something "whats that" parker questioned confused.

"nothing" the blonde answered shaking his head "i just wanted to tell you that I want to be your knight" Chester mumbled a small part of him wished he could be more than just the princes loyal knight "you already are, you just need more training" parker mumbled sitting next to Chester on his bed.

"that may be so but i don't feel ready for knight training yet" he explained as his eyes shifted to meet parker's who was currently laying down his head on the soft pillows parker looked at him amused "are you going to try and fall asleep right now?" parker asked, "of course not" Chester replied quickly sitting upright and staring at parker who sat up also.

they laid quietly as they stared at each other for awhile until parker rolled his eyes "what now" parker asked , his voice laced with annoyance ''it's nothing" Chester replied as if his life depended on it,his eyes shifted away as he felt heat rushing to his cheeks.

"fine fine," parker said waving his hand "just make sure your gone before morning" parker warned laying back down, he heard an exaggerated sigh coming from Chester before the bed dipped behind him as he felt the smaller male lay down beside him on the mattress, parker let out a groan turning to look at him.

"i cant believe i let you in my bed" parker muttered turning away and closing his eyes"i know i'm irresistible" Chester responded smugly, parker glared at him before turning back to face him, he saw a small smirk playing at the edges of his lips parker frowned and gave a slight chuckle.

"whatever you say" parker replied before resting his head on the pillow "goodnight" parker thought he heard Chester reply but he wasn't too concerned parker soon fell into a dreamless sleep, Chester on the other hand had much more troubling dreams that night as his mind filled with thoughts about the prince parker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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