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When Lucy jumped into my arms it felt like I was finally home.

The twelve year old frame of my sister that pressed against me showed me that I was safe and loved, and made me feel like I could do anything.

I was worried that if I ever had to let go, I'd lose that feeling forever. But I had to focus on what I came here for.

Max was standing in the corner, watching us like a hawk. "What's wrong?" He asked, addressing Dorian, but I pulled him into our embrace. It had been months since I'd seen my family, I deserved this one moment of comfort, I just wished that we were having it back at home.

The safehouse was not what I expected at all. After Dorian heeded my request - provided I didn't tell Tess - he'd led me to an old apartment block. Whilst it looked grimy and unkempt on the outside, each floor was home to a young family who were clearly proud of their space.

There were wreathes and decorations on each painted door, children running and skipping down the halls and parents leaning against their doorframes for a chat and a cup of tea. Max and Lucy were placed in a moderately sized unit on the fourth floor. Fitted with a small kitchenette, a living space and their own respective rooms, it was decorated with bright colours and sturdy furniture, giving it a warm and inviting feel - it was much nicer than the empty studio we shared in Ireion.

As well as the accommodation, Dorian told me that Lucy had been enrolled in a small school within the local area and Max was working in a warehouse. Due to the nature of the Undercity, there was less discrimination around magic, so they were able to live a freer life than they could have in Ireion.

Again, it made me wonder why we'd never made this move before - the visage that the Watch had created for the Undercity was flaking away the longer I stayed and the more I learnt.

My family was safe here.


Max broke free from the embrace, turning me to face him and giving me the sternest stare reserved for older brothers to give younger sisters. "I'm glad you're here Eve, but you need to explain."

Quickly, I shot Dorian a pleading glance and he understood, striding over to Lucy with a smile on his face. "Come on, let's go and get some ice cream while they catch up."

I waited until the door closed behind them and took a seat at their dining table. I reached out for his hand, finding familiarity in his touch. "I'm possessed Max." He looked appalled and I tightened my grip so he couldn't let go.

"I was training with the Watch, it was a routine trip to get rid of some trespassers, but I found something else by accident." It all came out then, like word vomit, and I couldn't stop. I told him of the chanting, Charlie's death, the neck snap.

"Dorian found me. He healed me in the hospital and asked me to join them. They want to kill the demon, but if they can't..." I couldn't stop the tears welling in my eyes.

"What?" Max demanded, "what happens if they can't?" I swallowed, taking a deep breath. "Then I have to die. If they can't get it out, they have to kill us both."

It was only minutes later that Dorian and Lucy returned. "Lucy, go to your room." Max ordered. After she'd gone, he glared at Dorian with fire in his eyes. "What the fuck man?!" Dorian looked startled at the outburst. "In what world is it okay for your bunch of freaks to threaten to kill my sister?!" I had never heard him like this, he was shaking, sparks forming at his fingertips.

Dorian walked up towards him, hands outstretched in front of him, demonstrating he meant no harm. "It's something the Guild have considered, yes. But believe me when I say it's not my intention." Max took a step back, shaking his hands to rid them of the sparks. "Then what is your intention?"

"As long as Eve's possessed, she's dangerous. We've already seen the demon in action and we know what damage it's capable of. I want to help remove it, then kill it. I'm not letting the Guild hurt her." Tevras scoffed at Dorian's plan. I ignored him, sending a hard mental prod his way.

Max looked defeated. "I'm helping." He said, defiantly. "I don't want my sister's life in the hands of some robe-clad weirdos. I want in." Dorian sighed, there was no way he was getting out of this, Max was far too stubborn.

"Fine. I'll speak to Tess. We could use someone as eyes and ears in the Undercity."

"Good." Said Max, "I'll be waiting."


After tearful hugs and tense conversations, we needed to head back to the townhouse, we'd already been gone long enough for it to look suspicious.

Dorian took us the back way, in case there was any chance of us being spotted. There would be hell to pay if Tess found out I'd left my room.

"What's up with your family?" Dorian asked, breaking our amicable silence, "your brother seems pretty intense."

"Max is always like that, he's very protective of us."
"Why?" He questioned. I shot him a glare. "Come on Eve, I told you my sob story, you've gotta make us even."
"Fine. But not a word of this to anyone else."

He held out his hand for a pinky promise and I smiled, I guess Dorian wasn't so bad after all.

"Well, Max and I have only ever had each other." I started, "our mother died while giving birth to me, and he was too young to remember her. Dad was a Plane Walker, but his magic was very diluted. He kept us fed, housed, clothed. He told us stories, treated us whenever he could. We had a really nice childhood." Dorian and I kept walking, our steps synchronised as he listened.

"Eventually, dad moved on. He met a woman and they had Lucy - she's our half-sister. Both Lucy and Max are Wielders, luckily, I didn't get the gene."

"What about Lucy's mother?" Dorian asked. "She left when we found out Lucy had magic. She didn't want to be penalised for it and we never saw her again - dad raised all three of us."

"When I was old enough, the decision was made to send me to the Academy." I continued. "Dad hated it, but we needed the money and protection, especially for Lucy. Max tried to get work where he could, but he became a carer once dad fell ill. Stuck in the Watch, there was nothing I could do. He died a few months later and Max has been taking care of us ever since - with my money from the Watch of course. He's been trying so hard to find a way out of it, so we could all be together again, but I guess life doesn't work like that."

I'd never told anyone my story like that before, but if my life was hanging in the balance, why the hell not? It felt nice to get it off my chest.

Suddenly, a pair of warm arms fell over my shoulders and I jumped in surprise as Dorian pulled me in for a hug.

His lavender scent washed over me as he held me, awkwardly patting my back. When he stepped away, I could have sworn a light blush decorated his cheeks that mimicked the flush covering mine.

"I thought you might need that" he said cooly, as if giving me a random hug in the middle of the street was a completely normal thing to do.

"Thanks," I laughed, "just give me some warning next time."

The rest of the walk was accompanied by an awkward silence. It had been so long since I'd told anyone about my father and the memories came rushing back. Amplified by seeing my siblings, the feeling of our father's death had left a hollow space in the pit of my stomach that I didn't realise had still been aching.

Once again, I felt the tears form and the regret from not being around during his final moments tainted my mind. It was only then that I felt the undeniable force of comfort drape itself around my thoughts. I could have easily imagined it, but it seemed that in that moment, Tevras was easing the hurt, stroking my busy mind until the thoughts settled.

Dorian didn't speak to me again after our hug, and I hadn't realised how quickly we'd come upon the townhouse. I definitely wasn't prepared for what was awaiting us.

As soon as the door opened, I saw her.

Tess was standing at the bottom of the stairs holding onto a black chain, at the end of which was a girl, not that much older than me. She looked scared and nervous, and was wearing the cult robes that I recognised from the cellar.

Tess glared at us while Dorian locked the door. "Eve. It's delightful to see you again." She looked up at Dorian, disappointment clear on her perfect features. "Both of you. Meeting room. Now."

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