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The training room was shockingly different from the rest of the house.

Taking up most of the second floor, it featured black tiled walls and a supportive foam floor. Weapons racks stacked with pistols, daggers and knives were lined up on one side of the room, training dummies and safety equipment occupied the other.

Mirrors were fixed along the other two walls, allowing you to analyse all angles during routines. Right now, all they reflected was me as I waited for Dorian.

Today I was kitted out in the Guild leathers, a tight navy T-shirt replacing the regular hooded jacket. I'd also chosen to give the boots a miss, bouncing on the foam in thin navy socks instead. My hair was pinned up at the back of my head, reminding me of my old life at the Academy, and my cheeks were filling thanks to a hearty dinner and a good night sleep. I'd even managed to snag some breakfast before the session.

For the first time since arriving back at the townhouse, my sleep last night had been restful and torture-free. But I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment at not hearing more from Tevras.

Despite all he'd done, his voice in my head was a welcome addition during my meeting with Tess. Truthfully, since he'd been dispelled, I'd missed the presence in the back of my mind. And now yet again, it was gone.


By the time Dorian arrived, I'd gotten bored from the waiting and was enjoying a gentle jog around the room. It had been ages since I'd engaged my muscles, and the time spent locked in my room had clearly had an impact. I was panting and sweating after 20 minutes.

"Sorry I'm late." He said, standing in the doorway. "We were getting breakfast."

I stopped dead in my tracks, my exhaustion taking a back seat. "We?"

Dorian stepped to the side, holding the wooden door as wide as it would go, enough space for Anya to slip through the entrance as well, delicious looking pastry in hand.


Anya stayed close to Dorian's side, nibbling quietly on her breakfast. A wave of jealously panged through me, she could even make eating look cute.

Dorian sauntered over, dropping his jacket on the floor and picking up a wooden staff. "Nice of you to join us Eve. I've been teaching Anya some of the basics. Since you have some previous experience, you should be able to keep up."

I rolled my eyes. Previous experience? I'd been regularly training at the Academy for years. He threw the staff towards me and I caught it with ease, testing the weight of it in my hands. This was going to be easy.

By now, Anya had finished her pastry and was cowering by the door, her blue eyes locked on my every movement. I tossed her an awkward smile and she turned her head away from me in response. Rude.

"Eve, you take this side of the room," he motioned to the left, "Anya, you take the other side."

I took my position and watched as she walked to the other side, clinging to the wall as much as possible. Dorian noticed, approaching her with caution. "Anya, she won't hurt you. You're safe here, remember?"

I couldn't keep quiet. "Hurt you? What the fuck?"

"Shut up Eve," Dorian snapped. Anya shrunk closer to the wall. "Last time she saw you, you almost killed her."

I didn't want to deal with this. Dorian tip-toeing around her, Anya putting up this pathetic façade. Scared of me? Anya was a cultist. One bat of those big blue eyes and they'd conveniently forgotten that. But I hadn't. I didn't trust her one bit. And I certainly wasn't buying this timid act. I'll give her something to be scared of.

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