CHAPTER 2 "first day"

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Author POV

Jungkook,Yoongi,Namjoon and Hobi arrived inside the class and saw that everyone was already seated waiting for their professor to come and start the lecture. All eyes were on them when they arrived in but they just ignored since it is not anything new. They all got comfortable in their seats and soon enough their professor came and greeted them and started the lecture.

Anonymous POV

"Ugh, how can we be so late on the our first day Tae". The short male said .
"Jimin I know now I regret agreeing to have a sleepover with you, now we are so late if only we slept early yesterday ugh".Tae said and the younger male just scoffed." Tae don't talk as if it's my fault you too said it's been a long time since we had a sleepover and that you wanted to snuggle with me all night long".The younger said annoyed."okay it both our faults let's just drop this topic and get our schedule from the principals office". The taller male said and the shorter just nodded and the both ran inside the school and went to the principals office.

They knocked on the principals door and when they heard a voice inside  saying to come in and they quickly went inside and bowed to the man infront of them and  still panting from running."Good morning sir my name is Park Jimin and he is Kim Taehyung and we are really sorry for coming late".The younger said and the older man just hummed and nodded his  head."Umm sir we came here to take our schedules".The taller male said  and the principal quickly gave them their schedules without asking any questions since he knows they are very late. After receiving their schedules they rushed through the hallway looking for their class and soon enough they found the

Author POV

They knocked on the class door and the
whole class's attention was switched from their professor to the two boys who were standing at the door with their heads hanging low ,the professor looked at them at asked them to come in and introduce themselves.They looked at each other and got inside the class with their heads still hanging low."OH you two must be the new students I heard of, Jimin and Taehyung right " the professor said and they just nodded."ok guys  find some available seats and we will continue the lecture. Everyone was whimpering and gossiping about the two boys since they were wearing masks and hoodies over their heads and they did not even hear them say even a single word and some of them were chucklingto themselvesthinking that the two boys must be ugly since they were hiding their faces. The boys saw some available seats at the last row and quickly sat down and the professor continued with the lecture .

Jungkook POV

"Who are they and why the hell are they wearing masks and hoodies in this hot weather they must be very ugly since they are hiding their faces but anyways we will have some fun a bit later for now I will just have to wait" jungkook thought with a smirk plastered on his face.

Jimin POV

Me and Tae are hiding our faces because we don't want to attract attention and make people suspect us because our fathers are big business men and are known worldwide even though nobody has ever seen the sons of the two most biggest CEO in the South Korea but we still don't want to take any chances you know.

Time skip
Author POV

Jungkook, Hobi,Yoongi and Namjoon and some of their friends were seating at their table and talking about random stuff."Guys don't you think those two new l boys are acting suspicious I mean what is the need for them to to wear masks and wear such warm clothing is such a weather like this" Namjoon said annoyed they all scoffed."Yeah I have been thinking about that for a while maybe they are ugly or something" Jungkook said and they all burst into laughter." Oh and speak about the devils and they arrive "Yoongi said and they all looked at the direction Yoongi was looking at. They all smirked and looked at each other probably thinking about something sinister.

Jimin POV

"Tae remember that we shouldn't talk or even make any physical contact with anyone okay" jimin said reminding Tae of what they discussed together. "Ook my baby, but if anyone I say anyone trys to do something I will surely break their neck" Jimin just chuckled and nodded his head while they were going to an empty table to eat their lunch.

Jimin and Tae were peacefully drinking their drinks when group of boys approached them . Jimin and Tae noticed them but they did not look up at them and just decided to ignore them.After a few moments the leader of the group JK faked a cough to gain their attention but they just ignored him again and took out their phones and fixed their gazes on it. Jungkook looked annoyed no one had ever tried to ignore him before so this came as a surprise even to the group of boys behind him so he banged his hand on the table gaining everyone's attention. Everyone almost jumped out of their seats after hearing the loud thud except for the two boys infront of him they averted their gaze from their phone to the boy infront of them. The two boys looked at him with cold and annoyed eyes.

"WHO DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU ARE TO IGNORE ME LIKE THAT" jungkook shouted at the two boys who scoffed at his words and stood up from their chairs and walked away from them leaving a dumbfounded Jungkook with a clenched jaw and fist."UGHHH" jungkook screamed as banged on the table again.Everyone was frozen in their place by what just happened.

"Wtf, who do they think they are I'm seriously gonna choke them to death how dare they walk away from me" jungkook was so angry, that he was throwing death glares to everyone who looks his way."Jungkook calm down we can deal with them after school" Yoongi said with a clenched as he too was annoyed by what they just did. "Okay guys let's stop this drama and go to class" Hobi said and all of them nodded and when to class ."I will deal with them very soon especially that short one he looked like he was underestimating me with that glare of his" jk said in his mind a smirk decorating his handsome face

Time skip
After Uni

Author POV

"I wish I don't meet that annoying brat ever again if he had tried to do anything   I would have landed my punch on him" Tae chuckled at Jimin's words ."Baby calm down already I'm going to the restroom so wait for me at the gate" Jimin nodded and Tae pinched his cheeks and quickly walked to the restroom.

Jimin was walking to his locker while his head was looking down at his phone when he suddenly bumped into someone tall and his chest was as hard as rock. Jimin just let out a small sorry in a cold tone before walking away without sparing a glance for the person, Jimin suddenly felt someone pulling him by the wrist at pinned him to one of the lockers besides them and Jimin looked up to see jungkook who was digging holes into him."You are not going that easily nerd boy" Jimin just rolled his eyes at him.

(forgot to add that Jimin wears glasses..sorry..).........

"You look like the type of innocent nerd boy so don't try me", Jungkook said with a smirk plastered on his face "what do you want asshole" jungkook finally lost his patience and punched jimin in the face and Jimin just chuckled and looked at him with an intimidating glare."Are you done and yes what do you want I don't really wanna talk with a person like you" there was sone blood coming out of the corner of Jimin's mouth but nobody saw it since he was wearing a mask .

"I just want to see the face of the bitch who dared to to call me an asshole" jk said while glaring at jm who just scoffed at his words. Tae came and saw that jimin was pinned to locker and jk was saying something to him he went beside jimin "Baby let's go home " jk looked at Tae and smirked "so he is your boyfriend, I'm sure he must be as ugly as you" jm and Tae scoffed " how can you be so sure that I'm ugly u haven't even seen our faces and I am sure you will faint once you see me without a mask on" Jm said annoyed and got out of Jk's grip and walked away with his soul mate ."We will see about that".   

"Yoongi could you please find some details about that boy what's his name ...what was it again...Park Jin..jimin yes that Park Jimin guy and that boyfriend of his" Jungkook said with gritted teeth and Yoongi just nodded.

Okay guys see you in the next chapter and please don't forget to you Army.....💜💜💜💜💜

I tried my best to make this chapter long so please vote and I'm sorry for not updating for so long even though it's been 4 days to me it seems like a very long time ......anyways.......bye

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