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Jimin POV
(At Jimin's mansion) 07.30pm

"Wow I can't believe that *sshole called me a b*tch how dare he, he even called me ugly just wait Tae tomorrow I will show him my face if he want to see it soo badly that he even punched my beautiful face". I said with gritted teeth as l threw my bag on the couch."THANK GOD....if you are gonna show him your face that means we won't have to wear these suffocating masks again.....I thought I was gonna die due to having these masks plastered on our faces 24/7".The taller said plumping himself on the couch and received a scoff in return.

"Huh..stop being dramatic Tae you wouldn't die...and yea you can come to school without your mask on and I will come wearing it cauze I really want to see his reaction when i finally remove it and whatever his name is I really don't care". I said with a grin on my face. "Ok ok now let's go and eat I'm so hungry I'm even controlling my impulses to eat you alive right now". The taller said and received a chuckle in response."Ok Baby let's go before you eat me alive". We both laughed at the statement as we got up and went to the dinning room.

Jungkook POV
(At jungkook's mansion )

"Kook here is the file containing every detail about Park Jimin and his friendl kim Taehyung".Yoongi said as he gave me the file and a smirk crept up to my face as opened the file. "Wow name, Park Jimin and his father is the second famous CEO in the country after my father,.... I'm surprised that he hide his face along with his friend Kim Taehyung, son of the third most famous CEO in the country .....But hold on why aren't they any pictures of them in this file".

"Umm....Act..actually their fathers never shown their son's faces since they were born plus they always wear mask wherever they went so we couldn't get their pictures ". Yoongi said as I gritted my teeth."ok thanks for the file ...but I really want to see that person's face who dared to call me an *sshole so much". "Why don't you rip that mask off him tomorrow ".I nodded to Yoongi's idea since it was the easy way for me.He walked out of my office as I continued the work I was doing before he came inside.

Jimin POV 10:45pm

I was coming out of the shower wearing a shirt that reached to my mid thighs and a pair of boxers while drying my hair with a towel only to see Tae sleeping on my bed , I didn't mind it cauze he always want to cuddle with me and sleep in my room even though he has his own room here.

I plopped down on the bed beside Tae with an irritated face as I remembered about what happened at school today, but I have to admit he is very handsome and attractive that explains why all the girls were drooling at him . I shook those thoughts away as I felt my eyes getting heavy and I felt two strong arms engulfing me into a hug from the back and I soon fell asleep in the arms of my best friend.

Next day Morning
Still Jimin POV

Today me and Tae drove to Uni in separate cars and as soon as we parked our cars some girls were screaming cauze Tae wasn't wearing a mask and people finally saw his handsome face. We proceeded walking the school and Tae rolled his eyes at people who stared at him with shocked faces.I enjoy seeing their shocked faces as they looked at Tae but I really wanna see that shocked face on that boy.

(Tae and Jimin were wearing this)👇👇

(Tae and Jimin were wearing this)👇👇

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