A Kidnapping and An Old Foe

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The next day, Hikari was the first one to wake up as she turned to the cribs, she suddenly saw Esra's was empty, she looked around and saw one of their windows had been shattered. She frantically woke up Sinbad, "Love! Esra is gone!" Sinbad jumped up and looked around as he too saw the window shattered. He looked over seeing Eli still asleep which relieved him but he still ran around trying to find Esra. Hikari grabbed Eli and they ran for the door. Mihala suddenly ran up to them, "Mommy, Daddy! I found this note outside your door!" She handed the note over as they both read it

We have your daughter, surrender now or she gets hurt! We have returned for our revenge against the kingdom yet again and there's nothing you can do to stop us! We have gained more power than ever before! Esra has something which we've never felt so it makes her a perfect vessel for my plan! We shall wreak havoc on those who have deceived me! Stop us and you've got something else coming!

Judar and Al Thamen

Sinbad fell crying as Hikari had tears flowing as well. She held Eli close and rubbed Sinbad's back, "Calm down, it's ok... We'll get her back, I promise, no way in hell are they gonna get away with this!" Sinbad looked up at her and nodded calming down. Mihala stood atop them. "I want to come too! I won't let them hurt my sister!" Hikari stood in shock and grabbed her daughter's hand. "No! You aren't ready yet, you've barely completed your training!" Mihala looked down, "I know Mommy... but I think I can do this... I want to do this and save sissy!" Hikari sighed but then nodded, "Alright, we'll give it a shot, just be careful ok?" Mihala nodded as they ran out of the castle, everyone was there waiting and ready to go. Hikari pulled out the same basket she used for Badr and put Eli in it as she placed it on her back holding her arms behind her.

Jafar came running up, "We tracked their location to a cave in the Kou Empire, Prince Hakuryuu is at the dock waiting for us so we have to go now." They nodded and sailed off towards the Kou Empire. Sinbad stared out at the sea with some remaining tears still flowing as his hair blew in the wind. "Why...? Why does this always have to happen?! Why us?!" Mihala saw this and walked up to him hugging him. "It's ok Daddy... there's always going to be enemies we face... it's just part of life..." Sinbad looked down on her picking her up and hugging her tight. "She isn't wrong though love..." Hikari said as she walked up with Badr holding her hand and her other hand behind her back holding Eli in the basket.

"We'll get her back though... that's a promise..." She said as she looked out on the open water with her hair blowing in the breeze. Sinbad and Mihala both nodded and smiled a little as Sinbad wiped his tears away. Hikari smiled as well and they all went in for a group hug. The 3 teens looked at them smiling as well. "We aren't letting them win again, that's for damn sure," Alibaba said with a serious look on his face. The other 2 nodded as they walked up to the family and joined in the hug.

Hours later, they reached the docks of the Kou Empire as Hakuryuu greeted them. "We've tracked their coordinates to a cave on top of the mountain, however, it's heavily guarded so getting in there won't be easy." All of them nodded as they ran through the village towards the mountain. Princess Kougyoku stopped them beforehand, "I'll take care of the little ones, you guys go on ahead and save the little girl!" Hikari nodded as she handed over both Badr and Eli, "I'm trusting you Kougyoku." She nodded as they parted ways with everyone running up to the mountain.

Minutes later, they came upon the spot but ran into some of the dark guards. They prepared their weapons and charged at all of them, Sinbad then grabbed his father's sword chanting, "Dwell in my body, Baal!" His hair grew into a dark blue as his body grew into a dragon-like form along with scarfs flowing behind his back as he flew through and wiped out all the guards in an instant, however, more came out of the cave charging at them. Jafar grabbed out his weapons and attacked as well. He turned and looked at Hikari, "We'll handle them! The rest of you go!" Everyone nodded and ran past them and headed into the cave. There they saw Esra trapped in a bubble floating with a rope around her mouth.

"Well, well, look who finally showed up!" Judar snarled as he floated down along with Al Thamen, Hikari angrily shouted, "Let her go! She's too young for this!" Judar snarled, "How about no?" He suddenly drew out dark ice and shot it towards her. Mihala ran in and shielded her mother as she took out her bow and arrow, Hikari became shocked as she put it out in front of her, "Dwell in my body, Arcadia!" Electricity slowly formed around her as angel wings began spreading on both sides. Her eyes became a dark blue as blue horns and a dragon tail grew out of her head and behind her. She then shot an arrow into the sky and suddenly, it exploded and let out sparks of electricity hitting everything in sight, including the 2 and their henchmen behind them.

Hikari smiled, "That's my girl..." Hikari then focused with a serious look on her face as she took her staff out and lifted it into the air, "Dwell in my body, Calista!" The black wind began flowing around her as her hair blew and changed into a dark black color demonic wings as they began flowing on both sides and her staff changed into a dark black as her eyes became a bright white. Judar angrily stormed at Mihala but Hikari got in front and shot him back against a rock wall. He got up and charged at them again but Mihala got in front and shot an arrow into his chest as the arrow pierced through him throwing him against the same rock wall.

Seeing as Judar was defeated, Al Thamen turned angrily shouting, "YOU LITTLE PEST!" Al Thamen then shot a dark laser heading straight for Mihala at a high speed. Mihala closed her eyes but then suddenly opened them, seeing as her mom jumped in front of her taking the hit as the blast pierced through her heart. "MOMMY!!!" Hikari fell to the ground hard as she fell out of her form and blood began oozing out of her chest. Mihala cried falling to her knees beside her mother but then looked over at Al Thamen laughing. She stood up and walked towards him as her body suddenly grew. Al Thamen became shocked, "How is this possible?!"

Mihala then drew out a giant sword and pierced it through his chest so hard that he was thrown toward the rock wall as well and fell unconscious. Mihala then shrunk back down running towards her mother and turning her over. Sinbad and the others ran in and saw the bloodbath. He looked over and saw Hikari lying on the ground with blood oozing from her chest. "MY LOVE!" He ran over and took her in his arms weeping as Mihala began to as well. "Please, Mommy! Wake up!" As she began crying, a tear fell from her cheek onto Hikari's wound. All of a sudden, a bright yellow light began shining out from Hikari's wound as both Sinbad and Mihala covered their eyes from the light. A moment later, the light suddenly dimmed out. They both looked down and saw the wound had been closed and the blood disappeared.

They were shocked and looked over at her face. She suddenly began moving and slowly opened her eyes as she looked up at them even with the few scratches on her arms and legs. She slowly turned her head towards Mihala, "Thank you, my dear... you saved me..." Mihala then broke down crying hugging her mother tightly as she slowly wrapped her arms around her child. They broke the hug as Hikari turned to Sinbad who leaned down and kissed her hugging her tight as well. Sinbad then got up and ran over breaking the bubble catching his baby and ripping the rope off of her mouth. He hugged her tightly as she began to cry, "Shhh... it's ok baby... Daddy's got you..." Hikari slowly lifted herself as Mihala got up too.

The rest ran over as well relieved Mihala had saved her mother before it was too late. Hikari ran over and grabbed Esra into her arms crying, "Mommy's got you... you're alright now..." Sinbad and Mihala both joined in as the entire family hugged. Sinbad then let go and kneeled towards Mihala, "Daddy is so proud of you. You saved your Mommy and your sissy..." Mihala smiled as she hugged him as he held her in his arms picking her up. Hikari smiled as she looked down at her baby in her arms fast asleep. Jafar walked up to them, "We should get out of here before they come to, the Kou Guards are making their way up to arrest everyone involved." They all nodded and ran out of the cave and headed down towards the kingdom.

When they arrived, the 3 royals were reunited with Badr and Eli. Princess Kougyoku handed over the basket as Hikari slowly set Esra in beside her brother as they both were sound asleep, she then put the basket on her back with her arms behind them holding the basket. Sinbad smiled seeing both his babies together again sound asleep. Prince Hakuryuu came up next to his step-sister smiling- "I'm relieved to see you all in one piece." They both nodded, "It's mostly thanks to our brave little girl though." Mihala blushed a little as her dad picked her up smiling.

Prince Hakuryuu smiled, "Thank you little one, we can finally be at peace here again." Mihala smiled, "I'd do anything for my family and friends." Prince Hakuryuu nodded, "We've got all of them in custody and are treating the 2 scoundrels' wounds then locking them away for good, we'll take things from here, you guys should head on back home." They nodded as they headed towards the docks saying their goodbyes.

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