A Confession and A New Edition

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  The next day, everyone was down at breakfast aside from Morgiana, Alibaba grew concerned, "Where is she?" Hikari got up, "I'll go look for her, don't worry Alibaba." Alibaba nodded as she got up and went down the hallway towards their bedroom. There she saw Morgiana throwing up in the toilet, Hikari ran over and comforted her, "You alright?" Morgiana panted a bit then looked at her, "Y-Yeah, it's just not easy being close to a due date." They both laughed a bit, "You're barely even showing, I'm surprised you're that far along already." Hikari said as she looked down at the girl's stomach.

A moment later, Sinbad came in, "Is she alright love?" Hikari looked over at him and nodded, "She's ok, just was throwing up a bit." Sinbad looked at them confused. Morgiana then explained to him, he was a bit shocked but kept his composure, "I see, well congratulations my dear girl, have you told him yet?" Morgiana shook her head, "I haven't dared to tell him mainly because of all the events that happened in the last few months including fighting those 2 in the beginning, seeing off Aladdin going to the academy, your twins being born, and then your baby girl being kidnapped and dealing with those 2 yet again and almost losing Queen Hikari, along with you training your oldest on her Djinn."

Sinbad sat down next to them, "I can understand that, I don't blame you either 'cause yeah, I can agree a lot has happened." Both women nodded then there was a sudden knock at the door, "Morge darling, you alright?" Hikari walked over and let him in, "She's fine but me and Sinbad need to go check on the twins." She winked at him as he got up and they went out the door shutting it behind them.

Alibaba walked and sat down next to her, "What's wrong love? You look pale." Morgiana sighed and took a breath, "There's something I should have told you a long time ago before everything happened..." Alibaba took her hand in his. "You can tell me anything love... I'll always be here for you..." Morgiana nodded, "I'm pregnant..." Alibaba just sat there in shock and didn't say a word. Morgiana wept, "I'm so sorry! I should have told you sooner! The baby is due any day now!" Alibaba then took her into his arms and hugged her. "Calm down love... it's ok... I'm here for you... I know you had your reasons but you know very well we have to be honest with each other..." Morgiana looked at him nodding, "I know..."

Alibaba cuffed her face and kissed her, "Calm down baby... everything will be ok... I'll be here for you both..." Morgiana smiled as she kissed him back and then laid in his arms. Sinbad and Hikari listened from outside and smiled at each other, they then walked off to tend to their babies. About a week later, the girls of the kingdom decided to go for a hike through the forest behind the castle to get some fresh air. This included Hikari, Mihala, Yuuki, Morgiana, along with baby Esra who Hikari had in the same basket as before.

They got to the mountaintop and stopped at a small cabin that the royals owned whenever they wanted to get out and get away. They were taking a tea break when suddenly, Morgiana fell clutching her stomach. Hikari quickly ran and picked her up seeing that her water just broke. "We need to get her back, now!" Yuuki however could tell something was wrong and ran to check under Morgiana's dress. "I'm afraid we can't bestie, this baby is coming like now!" Hikari was shocked, they both carefully placed Morgiana on the cot they had there as they slowly spread her legs out. Yuuki turned to her, "You go get me some hot water, Mihala dear, go get me some towels from that cabinet over there!" Mihala nodded as she ran to the cabinet and Hikari ran to the sink to heat some water.

Morgiana was panting heavily as she was lying there trying to keep herself still. Yuuki and Hikari both looked down on her as Yuuki had her hands out ready for the baby and Hikari had the towels and a blanket ready. Mihala watched from the side sitting in a chair holding her baby sister at her mom's request. Yuuki turned to Morgiana, "You've got this! 1,2,3, PUSH!" Morgiana pushed as hard as she could screaming in pain, Mihala carefully put down her sleeping sister and went to grab Morgiana's hand as she held onto it tight still screaming.

An hour later, after a long hard amount of pushing and breathing, they heard a baby's cry, Morgiana looked up panting as she saw her baby girl for the first time. Yuuki cut the cord carefully as Hikari wiped the blood off of the girl and wrapped her slowly in a blanket. She then walked over and handed her to Morgiana. She looked down at her baby with tears flowing, "Anise Mae Saluja... my baby girl..." Yuuki and Hikari both smiled crying as Mihala did too. "She looks like her father, the blonde hair and the golden eyes, no doubt about it."

Several hours later, the girls returned to the palace with Morgiana holding little Anise in the blanket inside of a cloak Yuuki gave her before they left. Sinbad greeted them at the front gate along with the 2 boys. "How were your travels? You guys were up there longer than expected." Hikari slightly smiled, "Well, it's a long story..." He looked at her confused but then saw something moving on Morgiana."Is everything alright Ms Morgiana?" Morgiana sighed and walked up to him holding out Baby Anise. Sinbad stood in shock, "She gave birth while you guys were up there?!" Yuuki and Hikari both calmed him down. "Yes she did, we were gonna bring her back down and take her to the ward, but then Yuuki felt the baby coming out immediately, so she had to give birth on the cot up at the cabin," Hikari said as she sighed a bit. Sinbad calmed himself down, "I understand, I'm sure it would have been too late coming down here as far as the cabin is from here." They all nodded then Morgiana asked, "Where's Alibaba at?" Sinbad turned to her, "He's with Jafar doing some training, for now though, you should probably go rest along with your little one, I'm sure you're both exhausted. I'll have one of my workers gather up some supplies to build a crib for her, you may have to hold her with you for now."

Morgiana nodded as she and Anise set off for their bedroom. Hikari turned to Sinbad, "Take Esra and put her to sleep with her brother, I'll take these 2 to their room. I'm sure we'll see Alibaba later." Sinbad nodded as he took off with both babies and Hikari set off with Morgiana and Mihala, Yuuki also reported the incident to Dr. Kezoh who said he'll come by later and check over Morgiana and Anise. Hikari slowly set Morgiana on her bed and tucked her in along with Anise beside her. "Better?" Morgiana nodded, "Yes your majesty, thank you for helping. I'm nervous though, what will he say if he comes in and sees her?" Hikari smiled stroking the girl's hair. "He said he'd be by both your sides right? He'll love her no matter what happens, even if the birth was quite unexpected. How'd you think I felt when the twins suddenly came?" They both laughed a bit.

"You should get some rest though, it's not gonna be a speedy recovery but I know you'll get through it." Morgiana nodded as she drifted off to sleep holding Anise close to her. Hikari got up and crept out the door closing it behind her. She then saw Alibaba walk up to her as she walked away, "Hey Hikari, how was the hike?" Hikari smiled, "It was quite interesting, that's for sure." Alibaba looked at her a bit confused but then shrugged it off. "Where's Morgiana?" Hikari pointed to their room, "She went to nap cause well, the hike made her exhausted."

He nodded as he saw her off and quietly walked into the room closing the door behind him. He walked over and sat down next to her but then saw something peeking out from her chest. He moved the blanket and saw a tiny hand peeking out from her chest. Alibaba stood in shock saying to himself, "So that's why she was exhausted and why they were up there for so long..." Morgiana woke up as she heard him next to her, "Ali...?" He looked down on her, "It's me, my love, don't worry..." She smiled a little as she got up holding the baby in her arms.

He looked down upon the baby seeing his features all over her and teared up a bit. "My baby girl..." Morgiana smiled handing her over to him as he held her close sobbing. "My beautiful baby girl..." He then took Morgiana's hand, "What's her name...?" Morgiana smiled holding his hand back, "Anise Mae Saluja... that's her name..." Alibaba was shocked and teared up some more. "Morge... thank you... my sweet... for blessing me with this wonderful little miracle..." Morgiana nodded as they hugged tightly, he kissed her as well as they looked down at their baby girl nestled in her father's arms. He again held her close and leaned into Morgiana. "I love you both so much..." Morgiana smiled as she rubbed the girl's head. "We love you too..."

Alibaba then looked over, "Rest now my love, I'm sure you're exhausted after all that." Morgiana nodded as she laid back down and fell asleep. He crawled to his side and put Anise between them. He fell asleep as well along with the little girl hoping the next day would be peaceful just as it had been before.

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