Chapter 7

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(Next day)

(At the hospital)

Sasuko: (Sitting on a waiting chair)

Naruto: (Comes there with two bottles of juice) Here. Drink this.

Sasuko: I don't want to drink anything.

Naruto: Then want to eat something?

Sasuko: I don't want to eat anything, too.

Naruto: Then what you want? You haven't eat anything since last night. You will become sick if you don't eat anything.

Sasuko: Actually, I'm not hungry.

Naruto: ...Are you still in pain?

Sasuko: (Looks at Naruto with a painful eyes)

Naruto: (Hugs Sasuko) Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

Sasuko: (Hugs back) Thanks for everything, Naruto-kun. You have done many things for me.

Naruto: (Breaks the hug and looks down) If I should've done many things for you, then I should've put my eyes on Kiba. I...I actually don't deserve you. You deserve better.

Sasuko: Naruto-kun...

Naruto: It's true, Sasuko-chan. I seriously don't deserve you. You got raped. It was my fault. I should've go with you. I...

Sasuko: (Stops Naruto saying by giving her right hand's palm on Naruto's mouth) Now stop. This is not your fault. I'm the one who said you that don't come with me.

Naruto: Sasuko-chan, I...

(When Naruto was about to say something when a nurse called his name)

Nurse: Naruto Namikaze.

Naruto: (Gets up) Let's go, Sasuko-chan.

Sasuko: (Gets up)

(Then both went to the doctor's room)

Tsunade: So, what did you do again, you brat?

Naruto: Shut up, grandma. I'm not here for any check up. She is the one. (Points at Sasuko who was sitting beside him silently)

Tsunade: Hey brat, is she your girlfriend?

Naruto: Well, yeah! (Says proudly)

Tsunade: I never thought, that you will got a girlfriend. Specially like her.

Naruto: Hmm...

Tsunade: Okay, enough talk. Now tell me young lady, what is your problem?

Sasuko: M-My p-problem...

Naruto: Umm, grandma, can we come outside for a little?

Tsunade: Yeah, sure.

(Then Naruto and Tsunade went outside. Naruto explained her everything that actually what happened with her. Tsunade feel very bad for her. But she understand that which medicines she need.)

Tsunade: Okay, I write those medicines name. Eat them for 2 weeks. You will be okay.

Naruto: Thanks, grandma.

(After Naruto buy those medicines, they went to a coffee shop.)

Naruto: You like the coffee?

Sasuko: Hmm...It tastes good.

Naruto: (She looks happy. But now, I have to tell her my real identity. I have a risk that she might break up with me. But I'm okay with this. Because this is for her good.) - He thought. (Takes a deep breath) Hey, Sasuko-chan. I have to tell you something.

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