Escape, Hard Bargains & Tough Choices.

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"I don't know what has gotten into our brother.

A huge part of me wants to just believe that he's gone mad.

Then, there's the other part of me

that makes me think of you, when I look at him.

I can't let that go. I can't let both of you go.

No matter how mad I am, I can't.

You're not the only people I care about, anymore."

We were back at the Sanctuary when I heard gunfire.
I walked up, seeing Carl with a rifle, aiming it at the Saviors nearby.
Why the Hell is he here? He's gonna get himself killed...
Negan walked up, whistling as Carl held his aim on him. " are adorable."
He grabbed one of his men, holding him in front of him as a human shield. "Did you pick that gun 'cause it looks cool? You totally did, right? Kid, I ain't gonna lie. You scare the shit outta me!"

That's when Carl continued to fire, making Dwight tackle him to the ground. Carl hit him with a punch, but Dwight grabbed the rifle and aimed it at him.
Negan stopped him dead in his tracks. "Dwight...back off."
He did, but he took Carl's knife as Negan towered over him. "Is that any way to treat our new guest?"
He held out a hand to him to pick him up off the ground. "Come on, kid. I will show you around."
I watched as Daryl narrowly avoided a walker in the fenced up area just behind the commotion.

"Y'know, you do the same damn stink eye as your Dad, except it's only half as good 'cause, well, y'know, you're missing an eye." He laughed, continuing to hold his hand out to him.
When Carl didn't immediately jump at the invitation, he attempted to scare him. "Really? You really not gonna take my hand? 'Cause you're lucky you even still have a hand. Same as your boy Daryl over here, now that I think about it. How's the job going, Daryl? Hot enough for ya?"
I looked over at him, seeing him glare through the chain link at us. Negan continued to taunt him, making my blood boil. "Yeah, well. It'd be tough with one arm."

He held out his hand for Carl to grab, once more. This time, he took it, rising to his feet with Negan's help. I sighed as Negan spoke, giving direction. "Ah, smart kid. Now, come with me. Dwighty boy. Why don't you grab Daryl and Addy, take them to the kitchen, do a little grub prep. New plan, boys. Let's burn the dead, unload the truck later. Damn, I am not gonna have time to screw any of my wives today."
Suddenly, his gaze went to me, then moved to Daryl and Dwight in an instant. "I mean, maybe one."
Dwight forced me along with him and Daryl, yanking me up by the arm. He dragged us to the kitchen, where we prepped something to bring back.

Dwight later led us to a room full of women in black dresses.
My eyes went wide as I saw Negan kissing Sherri, even holding a singular finger up as we came in. I averted my gaze, looking instead to Carl, who was in the room, too. Sherri noticed that Dwight was there with us when the kiss broke, and it just made Negan chuckle as he stepped up to Daryl and I.
Daryl held the fruit tray, Negan grabbing a toothpick and grabbing something from the tray, then popping it into his mouth.
"Carl, can you grab this tray for me?" Carl did as he was told, Daryl questioning him.
"Why do you got him here?"

Negan seemed shocked to hear Daryl speak. "Woah! What we talk about when you're not none of your business." He looked to Sherri with a sarcastic smile, then back at him. "Do not make me put this toothpick through the only eye he has."
This silenced Daryl, making Negan speak again. "You go with Dwight, he'll get ya a mop. Dwighty boy, fire up that furnace. I'll be down in a few. Time for a little deja vu. Come on, kid. Addy." He stated, eyeing me up and down. "You come, too."
I followed after him with Carl, who attempted to speak to me as we walked together.
"Addy, are you alright?"

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