- Fait avec amour

57 13 122

Three years later.

You pace yourself to the living room of your hostel and your eye catches a glimpse of your man, Jungkook. His fingers move fast as the keyboard noise echoes in the whole room and he types something down.

After seconds of adoring him you walk to the small cabinet to grab the bottle of water. Feeling Jungkook's eyes on you, you turn your back at him and gulp the water down. In case you choke on it because of his dangerous stares.

After you and Jungkook graduated from school. University applications flooded through. And at last, both of you ended up in the same vast college. Having different branches and luck being on your side. Jungkook went for business as his subject meanwhile you opted for the medical branch.

Even though both of your buildings are some meters away, Jungkook unintentionally bumps into you at times. Giving you his best attention during those moments.

Now both of you, aged twenty one. In college and still together. Your life took an unexpected turn and you're not mad at that.

As Jungkook has a high opportunity to finish his studies earlier than you. He's likely to get a job before. Which makes you a lot happy. And most likely he will be delighted to put the burden off his parents for the tuition fee.

Currently both of you away from your parents, indeed a sorrow. Even though you were never that close with them. You still do miss your family. After all they're your own blood.

Your chain of thoughts gets interrupted once a warm feeling embraces you. Jungkook's big arms scoop your body as he pulls you in his arms, puts his head on your shoulder. Your back hitting his chest and he presses you against the corner.

"Mm baby I'm so tired. And you smell amazing". He rasps in your ear and you uncontrollably close your eyes. Feeling his breath on the side of your neck.

Your body softens up to his touch and you feel yourself melt in his arms. "Lay on the bed for a while. I have to show you my dress". Your hands moving on his, intertwining them together. He gives you a peck on your cheek and expresses excitement.

He follows you to the room and drops himself on the bed with a groan. You busy yourself with taking the light red sundress out of the cupboard. Which caught your eye the moment you saw it. And you had to bring it. Depleting some of your savings but it's worth it.

A type of clothing you saved for the summers.

"Baby. You'll look gorgeous in it. Show me how you look". His deep voice penetrating through you. His head goes on his rested arm on the bed.

You nod and take your shirt off in front of him. Stripping off comfortably. He has seen your body. And loves each and every part of it. You wouldn't mind him staring at your ugliest flaw.

Because he would never get disgusted by you. Because he's Jungkook and Jungkook is a kind hearted man.

Opening the strings of the new dress for an easy wear, you put it on yourself. Adjusting it on your body as the strings of the dress on the back stays open, messy.

You peek at Jungkook through the mirror, wanting help. His eyes adoring you, lips curving up as he gets the sign. You feel bad for making him get up. He clearly said that he was tired.

You bite your lower lip and feel his presence behind you. "Don't worry. Leave it. Let me help you". Feeling his body warmth already. Your hands holding the strings uncomfortably behind your back drops. You watch his loving gaze through the mirror and a smile ruptures through you uncontrollably.

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