Cœur brisé

17 4 27

Marriage. He has to marry someone. And he made all of that decision while being with you.

Your surroundings seem to pause. You can't move or think. You don't know what you're feeling. Hurt? Anger? Disappointment? Loneliness? Maybe all at once.

Your vision becomes clear once you hear Jungkook's unusual breathing. You want to move your hand, to slap him alteast. Just so he regains his senses and realizes what he has done. But all you could do was stumble back.

Jungkook blinks rapidly at your movement, you see his lips part, trying to say something and you feel your eyes bubble up with tears, blurring your vision. "You.. fixed a marriage for yourself.. when you know that you're in a relationship. Why? You should've just told me that you fell out of love. Even that would work.. why would you do this Jungkook?". Your voice breaks with each word you take. Your heart clenching in pain, you can't see Jungkook's facial expressions right now, you wish you could, to have a glimpse of what he's feeling, but your tears block your view.

You turn towards the door and Jungkook tries to speak, but all you can hear is your heartbeat beating loud against your chest and a heavy breathing, you're not sure if it's yours or Jungkook's at this point.

You shut your eyes tight, and with a shaky breath you say, "Fuck you." That's all what comes out of your mouth before you open the door and sprint out. Taking big steps and there you see your three friends, they all look tensed and shocked. You pause for a minute as you take in their looks, "Did you all know about this?". Your shaky hands wipe your tears and you ask them. They all look down, in shame, you're guessing. You clench your jaw and scoff.

The man you loved the most betrayed you, broke your heart, and now your friends as well. "I can't believe this." You mutter angrily but the tears don't stop flowing down your face. You feel so used, betrayed, a type of pain you've never experienced before, it's too sharp that it seems like someone has stabbed you a hundred times in your heart.

So now, you lost the one and only love of your life and your friends too?

Your sob echoes in the whole room, you hear a crashing sound coming from the room right you were in before. Assuming that Jungkook is breaking something, probably hurting himself while doing so. Your heart tells you to go and stop him, but you don't, your pain and self respect stops you. But Taehyung and Jimin immediately stride to the room Jungkook's in, leaving you and Mia, along with your tears and Mia's pained expression.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. Let's talk okay? I have to tell you someth-". You cut her sentence with a shout, "Are you fucking kidding me? You want to talk? After the damage that has been done? I thought we were close enough to the point that you'd tell me if my boyfriend's gonna get fucking married soon?!". You shout and the tears come down your face. Mia comes running to you, and takes you in her embrace. "Please listen. I'm so sorry." Her voice breaks while keeping you between her arms.

But as much as you need this comfort, you push her away gently. And run towards the door to open it and stride away on the road, not knowing where your feet take you. You hear your phone beep in your hand, you take a look at it with your blurry eyes.


Your sobs intensifies and you keep running, thinking that your pain would be gone with the trail your feet leaves as you run. But it doesn't, instead it keeps increasing, with every beep your phone makes.

You slow down to a corner of the road and take one last look at your lockscreen. It's full of calls and messages from Jungkook, Mia , Taehyung and Jimin. You hiss and shut your phone off.

With your tears still falling down and your body aching, you reach a place. You feel people giving you weird looks, some even look concerned but you don't care. You look at the place your feet took you.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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