31.the troublemaker p.3

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Everyone in now sitting on the ground practicing for college annual day program manisha participate in fancy dress competition and Abhishek participate in singing ashika is not here she went to her grandparents house manisha feel alone and boring with out her she is designing her costume

Girl1: look now she is designing her dress

Girl2:hum what a beautiful dress

Girl1:shut up she won't be able to wear that dress (smirk)

Nischay:hey manisha wow your dress is awesome

Manisha:thank you bhaiya

Nischay:i am sure you're gonna win the competition

Manisha chuckles

Annual day~

Performance in going on  stage outside manisha come to change her dress for her performance but


He costume is totally ripped and this work is done by those girls her eyes is filled with tears and she start crying

Abhishek:manisha keya hua?

He run to her he saw her ripped costume he wipe her tears and hug her she start crying more in his embrace

Abhishek:stop crying stop crying (clams her) W-wait i have an idea come with me

Manisha nodded and followed him to his house

Abhishek:wait i am coming in 2 minutes

After sometimes

Abhishek:take this and go change fast

Manisha:what is this?

Abhishek:this is a costume

Manisha:huh? Abhishek it's a saree

Abhishek:i know that

Manisha:i don't know how to wear it

Abhishek:aish ok wear that skirt and top fast

She come out wearing that skirt and top and wear the saree with help of Abhishek now she is ready

She come out wearing that skirt and top and wear the saree with help of Abhishek now she is ready

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Abhishek:wow you are looking beautiful mrs. Malhan

Two minutes silence for Abhishek's words


Abhishek:(clear throat) i was saving this for my wife but now as you're wearing this so i thought to take advantage because now my wife can't wear it anymore Let's go we are getting late

Abhishek start walking

Manisha:wait i am coming

Then they left and luckily manisha's performance was about to come whole college was amazed by her outfit everyone was looking at her and like this all performance is done one by one Abhishek is last because his performance is special he start singing

He finished singing everyone start clapping and shouting

Everyone:wow Abhishek malhan

Abhishek:actually this song is for someone special i made this song for her whom i love the most she is my life now and i can't take this anymore today i want to confess my feelings

Manisha heard those word and she feel like her heartbeat stop for a moment she froze she can't help tears start falling from her her eyes ya she love him very much she want to spend her whole life with him but he loves someone else this thought clenched her heart she start to walk from there whipping her tears

Abhishek:manisha you are my whole life

Manisha frozed after hearing this

Abhishek:idk when where why the only thing i know is i love you from my whole heart you are annoying troublemaker always hurts me still i want those annoyance troubles those sweet things for my whole life will you stay with me forever? I will keep you happy forever i love you manisha

She turns around tears start falling but this one is happiness tears she run towards him and hug him tightly like there is no tomorrow she start crying

Manisha:i love you to Abhishek

Abhishek smiled and hug her more tightly

Everyone cheers for them

The end~

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