Chapter 6: Telling my irl friends and my VR friends

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I'm back for Chapter 6!!

I was still in disbelief and happiness and super proud of myself that I asked out Vee..

I rung up the first irl friend my friend Jamie but I call him Cyclone .. Cyclone has been an amazing friend for ages and he knew I've wanted a girlfriend for a while now he was blown away!! I was still freaking out that I have a girlfriend at the same time saying "I have a girlfriend" so I rung him up stuttering in a good way saying to Jamie "I-I-I-I-I-I have a girlfriend!" And he acted exactly like this "Oh my god, yes mate, yes, yehehehe! I'm so proud of you bro" I also told my old primary friends I text sometimes! They were also so so so proud of me!!

I'm still so proud of myself and I'm still full of happiness to this day!!

Then I told my Norwegian friend Jesper who I have been friends with for 3 years and he responded "Cool" .

Then I told my close VR friend Heather on discord and she was freaking out aswell saying "Oh my god, tell me, spill the beans I wanna know everything" so I told her how I met Vee .

Then she said "I'm super proud of you bro"

I am so thankful for VRChat it saved me from becoming depressed and lonely but all I see now is happiness and a bright future.

To be continued ....

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