New Girlfriend

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"Alright, what about these shoes?" I stared at my feet which were accompanied by matte white platform boots that had a 4 inch heel. I was walking around in circles trying to break them in while occasionally posing in the three panel mirror.

"Ooo, Ven, I want a pair for myself." My best friend Poppy was gawking over my potentially new boots. That settles it then. I took them off my feet and slipped back into the tan Uggs I was wearing previously.

"How much are these again?" Poppy grabbed the box from next to the bench she was sitting on and read the price tag aloud for me.

"What?! 300$?!" Woah, that's it? What a steal.

"Okay, I'll take them!" I skipped away from Poppy whose mouth was wide open. I think she forgets sometimes how much money comes along with being king of one of the biggest nations there is. Funk being the biggest and rock being right under pop.

About a month ago, all the nations came to an understanding after generations of hating each other and it all started because rock tried to colonize the entire troll kingdom. At least we had Queen Barb change her mind and had her learn to respect others and their music preferences.

"Just these for today." I placed the boots on the counter for the cashier to ring them up. While I was digging through my crossbody purse for cash, the cashier spoke to me in a familiar voice.

"And will I be seeing you again tomorrow for a $600 purse?" I looked up to see Branch tapping his fingers against the counter waiting for me to pay up.

"Hey! You found a new job!" The last time I saw Branch working was when he was employed as a waiter but got fired for always snapping at difficult customers. Ever since he and Poppy broke up, he's been a little off. Their parting was a mutual agreement and they still remained friends, but I guess some relationships just don't end up working out.

"This was the only place willing to hire me due to my track record so I'm trying my best to keep this position." I giggled at him and he placed my new boots into a shopping bag for me. I held the bag in my hand and placed the $300 on the counter. As we placed the money into the register, I figured I'd make some small talk.

"Hey, how have your brothers been? I haven't asked in a while." He was shocked by my concern and closed the register with his key.

"Well, I heard from John that he's dating Delta Dawn now. Bruce is still with his wife on Vacay Island, and Clay has been hanging out with his book club friends a lot. Still haven't heard from Floyd in a few years though." Right, I forgot he had that other brother. I've never met Floyd before, I've only seen photos from when they were young. Hold on, what did he say about John?

"John Dory is dating Delta Dawn? He managed to score her?" Branch grabbed a broom and swept around his work area.

"I know right!?" We both laughed and I waved goodbye to Branch when I saw Poppy coming over to the exit. Me and her both left the mall and made our way back to my little castle on a private Caterbus.

We now stood in front of my home which was built of white brick and had green glittering accents. It was the only building in Troll Village that wasn't made of our hair or felt so it stuck out quite a bit, which is the point. Why have the King and Queens castle match every other structure in the kingdom?

I was chatting with Poppy as we walked into the castle and heard giggling coming from my sister in one of the rooms.

"Vels? That you?" From the door on my left, out peeked my sister with her hair in the usual slicked back ponytail and a beige belted puff sleeve midi dress. There was a big smile on her face upon seeing the two of us return.

"Ven! You're back! Quick, take your shoes off, there's someone I want you to meet!" She scampered back into the room she came from and I took my shoes off with curiosity riddled on my face at her excitement.

"Poppy, wait here." She nodded and I followed my sister into the room I watched her hurriedly run to. When I walked through the doorway, I saw her place a small peck on the cheek of a blue skinned troll with purple and white pigtails.

"Val, this is Veneer. Veneer, this is Val. She's my girlfriend!" I placed both hands on my cheeks and happily let out a gasp. Val awkwardly waved at me and I didn't waste a second to shake her hand.

"Oh my gosh, hello! I'm Veneer, but you already know that. AH! You're so cute!" Velvet pushed me off of her new girlfriend and had a small blush on her face.

"Right? She's sooo cute~" Velvet booped Val on the nose and smirked. I looked up and saw the TV had a movie currently paused on it.

"You two get back to your movie, pretend like I'm not even here." I backtracked out of the room and went back over to where I left Poppy.

"Soo, what was it?" I grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs that went to my room.

"Velvet has a girlfriend now and oh my god, Poppy, she's so precious!" I dropped the bag containing my shoes onto the white covers of my king sized bed and watched Poppy force a smile.

"Really?! Wow! That's amazing!" She sat down on my bed and looked at the empty space on my wall. Oh... right.

"Shoot, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about the whole 'you and my sister' thing." Poppy ended things with Branch because she came to realize she had some feelings for my sister. Damnit, how could I forget that? I just went on about how adorable Val was right in Poppy's face.

"No, it's okay! Just... if she's happy, I'm happy for her." The smile she looked at me with that time was genuine and I hugged her as a form of comfort. Hugs were like everything to the pop trolls and not so much to the other nations for some reason. I don't know where it came from, it was just embedded inside our heads that it was the best thing ever. I flopped down onto my bed along with Poppy until my sister yelled back up to me.

"Veneer! Veneer! Come back downstairs!" I rolled my eyes and switched positions to be sitting straight up.

"Can't you just come up here?!"

"Oh don't be lazy!" Poppy giggled and I threw my arms as to silently say 'what the fuck'. This time when I got up, I made sure Poppy came with me this time. I was met at the bottom of the stairs by Velvet and Val and my sister had stars in her eyes.

"Okay, how would you feel about going to one of Val's concerts in Volcano Rock City tomorrow? Her band is performing." Oh, is Val a rock troll? I just now noticed the red skulls holding her pigtails in place and saw how obvious it was. Nice, another good thing coming from the unionization of all the nations — a pop troll and a rock troll dating.

"Yeah, I'd go watch. I'd watch one anytime." Velvet clapped her hands together and intertwined her fingers with Val's, walking her to the door.

"Okay sweetie, we'll be there at 6pm tomorrow. Kisses darling!" The two of them shared a gentle good night kiss and Val took her leave. Poppy ran back upstairs and I felt awful and happy at the same time. My sister finally found someone to be happy with but it was crushing my best friend in the process.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Oh it's nothing! I think she's just tired."

"Well, make sure you're ready tomorrow. I don't wanna be even a second late."

I went back upstairs to my room and saw Poppy tuck herself under the covers. I crawled in next to her and rested her head on my lap while I pet with her hair.

"I'm assuming you won't be going to that concert tomorrow?" She simply shook her head no and I laid myself down on the bed. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after a long day of shopping.

I'm kinda excited for the concert.

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