Floating Lanterns

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Trickee got a boat and rowed them out to see the lanterns

Prism: Trickee what are you doing?

Trickee: Well it's your first time I figured that you would like to have a good look at the lanterns

Then King Jet and Queen Gemma came out and lifted the first lantern and everyone else released theirs

Prism: Wow 🤩

Hype (narrating):Trickee was feeling something he never felt before

Turbo (commenting): What was he feeling?

Lily (commenting): I think it's called love Turbo

Prism: I've never seen them so close before

Trickee: They are great

Trickee loved Prism and knew he finally found someone he can trust

Prism also trusted Trickee and knew he wouldn't leave her

Prism: Here I was scared that you would leave

She gave Trickee his satchel

Trickee: I never would have left you

Then he saw Ash and Creek

Trickee: I have to give this to them

Prism: Ok

Then Trickee brought them to the island

Creek: You better have the satchel

Trickee: Here

Then he gave it to them and went to Prism

Ash: Where is he going?

Creek: Don't know

They followed him and saw Prism

Trickee: Ok now to get you back home

Prism: I don't want to go back I want to stay with you

Trickee: What about your dad?

Prism: He needs to learn that I'm not a kid anymore and besides I'll be with you and you'll keep me safe

Then Creek and Ash came out

Trickee: Stay away from her! You have what you want!

Ash: But maybe that's not all we want

Trickee knew that they wanted Prism's healing powers

He charged at them and started to fight them but was knocked unconscious

Prism went to him

Prism: Trickee?

Creek: He's fine and we'll make sure that someone finds him

Prism: No

Then Ash was about to grab her and chased her when they were knocked unconscious by Shade

Shade: Prism! Are you alright?

Prism went to him

Prism: You were right the world is dangerous

Shade: Let's go home before they wake up

Then he took her home

The guards found Creek and Ash and were looking for Trickee

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