Part 3

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Danny had taken Marva to her favourite breakfast restaurant, it was a small corner café that was thankfully not overtaken by students..yet. There were different chairs and tables, colourful paintings and all types of lamps with orange light coming from them.

Danny had ordered the omelette while Marva had chosen the granola yogurt with fresh berries and honey. She had hummed in satisfaction when she took the first spoon in her mouth, the crunch of granola and the taste of sweet berries was the best thing she had in a while.

„You like it?", Danny asked with a grin.

Marva only nodded eagerly, her mouth still full of the delicious breakfast.

They continued eating in silence for a while until Danny spoke up again.

„Tell me about your music", she curiously looked at the younger one in front of her.

„What is there to tell?", Marva asked in return. No one had ever really cared about her music. Of course her family had always supported her and her parents even managed to buy her a small piano, a guitar and a small audio interface so she could record stuff on her laptop but other than that no one ever took an interest in her music.

„ you write your own songs?" , Danny asked.

„I do", she nodded and took another scoop of yogurt in her mouth.

„Can I hear some?"

Marva laughed , „Absolutely not!"

„Why?", Danny asked with a laugh and a raised eyebrow.

Marva just shook her head. She had never ever showed anybody any of her own songs. They were pretty personal and she had never felt comfortable to share something so deep with anyone.

„They aren't any good", Marva tried to get the thought out of Danny's mind.

„I don't think that's true.", Danny said but let it go for now.

They had spend the rest of their breakfast with easy conversation. Danny insisted on paying for them but Marva only accepted after proposing to buy them both coffee later that day.

They got in the car and Danny drove them to the campus. It was weird being here again but she had enjoyed Marva's company so much that she was fine with wherever they were going.

Danny showed Marva all the buildings and important shortcuts one must know to get from one class to the other just in time. She had felt Marvas intense look on her more than once and had enjoyed the younger ones attention. Their tour was now coming to an end with their last stop being the library. As they were about to enter the big wooden doors a mans voice interrupted them.

„Miss Jackson?", Danny turned around and saw the only professor she had liked in her whole time here as a student, Professor Langston. He was in his late fifties, but had the open mind and soul of a man in his thirties. Danny had loved his lectures and classes on interactive media communication.

„Professor Langston good to see you!", she gave him a smile as he walked up to them.

„It's good to see you, very unexpectedly but it's like it was meant to be", he chuckled.

„Meant to be, Sir?", Danny asked.

„I was actually going to write you an E-mail tonight regarding a job."

„For me?", Danny asked in confusion.

„Yes indeed. A good friend of mine owns a rather big film agency in Milan, and he asked me to recommend my best students of this years graduates for a position of a Marketing director..You were my first choice.", he gave her a proud smile and Danny couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. That was not what she expected.

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