Part 4

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Marva was sitting in her room between huge stacks of boxes, filled with all her belongings. She never thought she had so much stuff. And when she realised how much stuff she had, she was doubting if they would fit into all the boxes they had gotten. But they did. Her Mom and Dad had helped her the last few days, organising her belongings into different boxes and dismantling her furniture. So here she was, on the floor of her childhood room in her parents house, her guitar on her lap. The only thing that hadn't been packed yet. She was strumming a few simple chords, humming along to the sound of her beloved guitar. Music had always calmed her nerves, and it was exactly what she needed right now. Her dad was picking up the moving Truck and would be back in a few minutes and Danny and Beth were coming over to help. Marva felt excited yet anxious for this new chapter of her life. Living alone was always a dream for her. To be independent and self organising. Yet with all the organisational stuff that came with a new apartment, it had been a little overwhelming for her. It had always looked so simple for her older sister to manage all those things. Marva was glad that her parents had helped her with all the necessities. Everything happened so fast since Danny and her went to the apartment viewing 3 weeks ago. Mrs. Piers had sent her the contract shortly after and she had gotten the keys last week. She finally felt like a full grown up, ready to take the next steps in life. She was happy to start university, find new friends and spend time with her sister and..well Danny. She hadn't seen the dark blonde beauty in a while since she was so busy with the move going on. They had sent a few messages back and forth but nothing more. They still hadn't talked about what was going on between them. Last time they talked Danny had avoided Marvas attempt to try and talk about it. She figured that from what she knew from Beth and what she had seen when she first met Danny that she wasn't one for attachment or any sort of responsibilities.

Yet Marva wasn't able to get the girl out of her head, and there was no denying that there was something between them neither of them could ignore.

She closed her eyes, resting her head against the stack of boxes. Her hands picked up a new strumming pattern when her humming formed into words.

There is something in your mind
It makes you think that you are fighting
Makes you think you're in denial
Makes you think you're loosing sight
Wish you could see what I have seen and touched
Wish you could see what I see just for once
Then you would feel that you can love enough
That you're enough
You make me think of -

There was a soft knock that took her out of her state and her eyes quickly rushed over to where the sound came from. Standing in the doorframe with black loose jeans and a big hoodie topped with a blue cap was none other than Danny. She had a smile around her lips and Marva could only hope that she had only gotten here and did not hear Marva singing before.

„That was beautiful", she said and all of Marva's hopes were crushed instantly. She felt her ears turning red, as she hurriedly stood up and began putting her guitar in its bag securely.

„I was just playing around, nothing special"

„Well I thought it was", she took a few steps towards Marva. The younger one only then noticed that she had indeed missed Danny, her voice, her presence. Dammit with those feelings.

„Thank you", she said softly her eyes catching Dannys, as the older one took a few more steps closer to her.

„Where's Beth?", Marva asked.

„Somewhere in the kitchen with your Mom", Danny was nearly whispering as she now stood only centimetres in front of Marva. The younger one had to tilt her head since Danny was a good 20 centimetres taller than her. She felt a hand on her hip as Danny softly caressed the exposed skin where Marvas shirt had ridden up a bit.

„It's really good to see you", Dannys voice was low, sultry, just above a whisper. It nearly drove Marva wild.

„Yea I..", Marva hesitated for a second but then it just came out of her „I missed you", shyly she looked up at Danny who had a smile around her lips but said nothing. She looked at her for a good second until she spoke up again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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