A day that starts badly..

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Allmight: It's okay...but one condition is required!!!

(Y/n): *sigh* go ahead, tell me what you wanted but know, Toshi, this condition is just too much so, don't be surprised if I accidentally forget it, I say falsely innocent.

Green Hair: A-Are you a Villain?!

Well, it's dead, I can't do it anymore, sorry broccoli, I burst out laughing.

And this is how future heroes distinguish villains from citizens?!!!

Despite my crazy laughter and the non-existent respect that I just had for this young man, having just turned my head a little from my hiding place, I could see a glimmer, this glow... I stopped laughing as soon as I Saw it.

A few seconds passed and I decided to answer him, while observing Allmight who was thinking about the words he was going to use for this famous condition.

(Y/n): To tell you the truth, little one, I was and maybe I still am.

Green Hair: C-What do you mean?

(Y/n): ...

Allmight: THE CAVALRY IS SURE OF THIS CONDITION!!!!! So, YOU, young stranger, if I let you go in addition to not revealing everything you know about me or my apprentice,  I would like to meet you again after the Yuei High School entrance exams!!!

Green Hair: WHAT?!?!

(Y/n): Is that all?

Allmight: YEAH!

(Y/n): very good... so see you soon Allmight

I start to calmly climb down from the rubble I was standing on, and start sprinting like my mother when she saw my father putting on a "Hello Kitty" banana.

The sand was still a little wet from yesterday's rain and the sun was really starting to rise, if we could really say it hadn't risen. Despite the humidity of the morning, warm wind hits my face, the citizens of this city are up, the cars line up one after the other on our roads. The birds are singing, the stores are opening, the children are laughing and running everywhere, yes we are indeed the start of a very, very long day.

A date...

Why did I have to have this nightmare again?! *sigh inwardly* I could have slept until noon and then eaten in front of the TV but no, this damn nightmare had to wake me up at a time like this when Karma would take me to Allmight. I have to note to myself that I don't have to go to the beach anymore until the entrance exam is taken.

Yet another sigh leaves my mouth, I begin to see my house from afar. My cat is waiting for me, how cute he is when he does that. It is a cat with long, black fur, and its eyes are filled with petroleum blue without pupils. Today we call this cat a Shadow Cat. Apparently they bring bad luck but they haven't brought me any trouble yet so good. I named it Night! Although he has a bad reputation because of his breed, he is very cuddly, he is a little playful and when I get a little depressed, he always comes and purrs in my face.

As I arrived home with my adorable Night, I looked for my keys in my pockets... weren't they there!?

Shit shit shit, okay, don't panic, I'll look in the ones at the back, either...

(T/p):...I didn't forget it there, I hope?!

As I continue to panic, my cat jumps out of my arms and scratches at the door.

(Y/n): but what are you doing Night? You see clearly that there is no...

I didn't say anything, my cat is more fearless than me. I had forgotten the keys and were left on the door after closing it. I'm a real drag.

I finally go home after being called every possible and unimaginable name after this stupid mistake. I take off my sneakers and go straight to wash. It's not that I could, but a little all the same.


Izuku: All might why-?

All might: He knows more than the villains, in general, know about me. We must not lose sight of it...

Izuku: Then we should catch him as soon as possible!!!

All might: No need!

Izuku: huh?

All might: I think - no, in fact I'm sure - that he will come back on his own.


Izuku: What if he doesn't come back?

All might:We're in trouble!!!

Izuzu: HUH?!


A good 15 minutes later...

Ah chocolate peanut bug that sucked. I already feel a little better. I walk over to my dark gray couch and lie down on it. I take the Remote and turn on the TV by going to a random channel.

TV channel:《the teachers of the fabulous Yuei High School have decided to all come together to select the best students from Tokyo's middle schools....》

Change the channel.

Other TV channel:《The symbol of peace, Allmight, would have come to the city of Tokyo to teach Yuei's future student...》

Change the channel.

Yet another TV channel: 《Mr______ what do you think of our symbol of peace? Do you think he will stay longer in the city of Tokyo?-》

Turn off the TV.

Allmight, Allmight, and always Allmight.


I take a light gray blanket that was in the drawers of the small piece of furniture opposite the sofa, and place it on me. I place my cushion back in place and close my eyes.

Well, my dear Allmight, I didn't think that this simple presentiment would lead us to meet.... I can't wait to know what you will do when you can no longer protect him..

I end up falling into the arms of Morpheus until the end of the day with my original cat.

955 words

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