First day of school pt 2

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Weight :190

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Weight :190

Height: 6ft

Skill: Boxing

Daniel was just sitting at his desk looking out the window in thought as Danny was just taking notes. Then he noticed a girl walking by taking off a towel and letting her hair down. Daniel was shocked as she approached him "Hello? I'm Zoe" She said with a innocent looking smile. Danny looked up "Hello nice to meet you to" She said. Daniel nodded before he heard all the girls whispering

"She's at it again, a new hot guy comes around and she flirts"

"Such a slut, thinking she can get anyone" 

This made Daniel frown but was shocked again by what he heard next 

"You got something on your face" She said giggling. Daniel tilted his head, he swore he washed his face before coming to school. Plus Danny would of said something "Oh? What is it?" He asked innocently. Danny looked up from her notes again but growled "Handsome thing!" Zoe said giggling again as she put her finger on her cheek winking. Daniel blushed again, this was something he was not used to  "Zoe, shut up and go to your seat, I'm sleeping" Zach said and laid his head back down.

Zoe gulped but giggled "Oh wow, sorry! SCary!" She said and went to her desk. 

Danny mentally thanked Zach for saying something then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up in pure disgust "Hey, your pretty want to hang out sometime?" One guy said. Daniel heard this and saw Danny's face. "H-hey leave her alone" Daniel said. One of the goons glared at Daniel "Hey is she your girl?" One asked and put his face right infront of Daniel. Daniel gulped "U-Uh" He had no words before Danny spoke "Yes I'm his girl now leave me the fuck alone before I beat the shit outta ya" She said glaring at them. The goons laughed "Wow, you got a feisty one, how about you come meet us after school" One said. Daniel gulped "Uh sure see yah" He said watching the goons walk away. Danny sighed "Do you want me to go with you?" She asked and held his hand "N-No I'm fine I'll be home just fine plus I'm here to protect you to!" He said putting his fist on his chest.

Danny blushed at this as she felt her heart thump "What is this boy doing to me?!" She whined to herself and looked down at her notebook.


Daniel sighed as he made his way to the back of the school "I'm going to get beat up, but I gotta show Danny I'm strong. I need to protect her" He sighed to himself and stopped when he saw the trio. "Oh look you're here" One said with a stoik face. Daniel gulped at this. The one came behind him and wrapped his arm around Daniels shoulder "I'm Doo nice to meet yah." He said as he lit his cigeratee in his mouth. Daniel grimaced at the smell "So, you wanna hook your girl up with us and have a cigeratte you seem cool" The heavy set one said. Daniel began to panic because for one he doesn't smoke and two he won't let any other man touch her. So he had to come up with a plan, he just couldn't say he doesn't smoke since it'll make him seem like a wuss.

"Sorry, my girl is mine dare to touch her and I won't hesitate to hurt you and I quit smoking since my girl doesn't like smoke" Daniel said smirking. The trio gulped and looked at him wide eyed before Daniel heard Danny yell "Come on Daniel, we gotta do homework!" Danny said and he smiled "Bye now" He said running after her.

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