Episode 37

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Zach groaned as he held his head in pain. Mira and Yui were a crying mess and the duo and Vasco ran over to him "What the hell happened?!" Vasco yelled. Zach growled "We were ambushed, the guy seems tougher than he looks" Zach said holding his head. "Well lets go, now I'm really going to kill em" Danny said as her eyes shifted a different tint. Daniel gulped at this and nodded. 

They all made it to the spot where the meeting was held at 

"So what are they coming here for this time?"

"Shoes, hehe"

"Shoes are popular these days"

The three were talking to eachother laughing after they took down the kid named Zach

Haeri gulped as she looked down, she didn't know why her boy talked her into this. She felt guilty to everyone who her boyfriend took down and almost killed them "Babe..." Haeri said with a nervous voice

The Duo, Zach and Vasco all walked to them as Zach held his head "Yeah, we're here. You fucking thieves" He said clearly pissed. Daniel gulped nervously as Danny just tilted her standing next to Daniel. She had to come up with a plan on how to beat these assholes.

The leader looked up "Huh? Its you again and you managed to bring friends!" He said and looked at Danny. He stared at her for a second and looked down at her boobs and smirked "And brought a hot girl? Wow you guys are real funny" He said in a mocking tone. Daniel frowned at this and put Danny right behind him so she wouldn't be looked at.

Zach tilted his head after hearing him talk about Danny "Well your shit out of luck because I'm taking your damn shoes" He said rolling his sleeves up. Vasco started to walk forward before Zach put a hand infront of him to stop him "No, I'm first" He said.

Zach kept a glare "You three, get your asses over here" He growled out

The fat one laughed "What he say?"

"What clowns!"

"Look at the two pretty people in back! They don't look harmful at all!"

The duo looked at eachother and smirked before squeezing eachothers hand as Danny began to whisper in Daniels ear whispering their plan.

The tall one walked up "Wow, you're funny" He said with a innocent smile making the group look at him confused.

"How old are you guys?" 

Zach looked up confused before he saw the guy doing his sneak kick again. Zach dodged it again and looked right in the face of the man. He looked at Zach with shock before Zach grabbed his face before smashing it into the wall. The guy groaned in pain as he fell to the floor holding his face "Ah you fucking bitch!" He yelled.

Zach just scoffed and looked at the rest 


Daniel gulped looking at him wondering how he was able to dodge Zachs fists. Danny just chuckled before she started to wrap her hands up in a wrap again getting ready.

Zach began to wobble as Vasco noticed "Now let me.." Zach put his hand up "No, I got this" He said and glanced at the three girls before he moved his hair back clearing it out of his face.

The sumo guy smirked and charged at Zach trying to grab him. Zach dodge it by backing up before he started to throw straights, jabs, and uppercuts. The sumo guy groaned in pain as he fell to the floor. The leader looked at Zach in shock and smirked. 'He is weak, it shouldn't be a problem to take him down now' He thought running towards him. Vasco looked at Zach and realization hit his face, he was getting ready to strike?

Daniel gasped as he saw Zach clench his fist before striking the leader in the gut. 'He used my move on him!?' Daniel was at lost of words as Danny smirked thinking 'So, he can copy people as well, huh?' She thought tilting her head watching the leader fall to the ground holding his stomach "Hey you scammer, the nationals are nothing " Zach said panting hard.

Zach looked behind him and smiled seeing Mira's shocked face and Danny giving him a thumbs up. He blushed at this before Vasco came up behind him putting his hand on his shoulder "You've done enough, now its my turn" He said. Zach just nodded before walking over to the wall and slumped on it. Mira went to him and started to tend to his wounds.

Danny smiled and looked at Daniel "So Daniel, you think you can use the moves I showed you?" She asked as she was rapping Daniels hands up. Daniel blushed and nodded before there was shouting

"Seungypo! There you are!" 

The group looked back and saw it was a bunch of people. Danny growled and as everyone just dropped there mouths open

"Haha! you're fucked we are the top dogs here!"

The guy on the floor said holding his nose with a smirk. 

Vasco started to scan his surroundings before counting the men, he saw there was about 18 of them and turned around looking at the duo. 'With them, we will never lose!' He thought. "You guys, have my back. I'll break and you follow me" Vasco said. Danny nodded as Daniel just gasped 'How was he going to do it!?'

"Whats this Vasco?"

Everyone turned to look at the person. Vasco was shocked "You know Vasco, you should always go around with us" Jace said looking at the people smirking. Jace looked at Danny and winked making her blush. Danny looked away and grumbled as Vasco was moved "Rest Vasco, we'll take care of this" He said and burn knuckles got of the bike.

The leader looked at the group in shock not believing his eyes.

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