pt 2

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TW this chapter will have : toy play,smut, public toys
They have been dating for 2 years
This chapter will be in jakes  pov

I had a devilish plan in my mind as I clicked onto the website. I had been on this website once before to buy a fleshlight when I turned 19
But this time I was wanting a vibrator I would convince Johnnie to use the vibrator in a video.

                             ~TIME SKIP~
The vibrator had just shown up I called Johnnies name "come check this out" he came down the stairs (😂) "yh whats up" he said in that angelic voice he had go try this out I said giving him the toy. About 2 minutes later he walked out of the bathroom "there" he said little did he know that I had the remote I pressed a random number which ended up being 25%. he dropped into a ball moaning my name "Jake baby turn uh~ turn it off~ " he moaned fuck your so pretty like that I groaned while turning it off. We were in the car now and I grabbed the remote and turned it to 15% "mhm~" he quietly groaned I smirked to myself before turning it off. we got to the store and I started doing our intro attempting to convince the fans that we aren't  middle aged lesbians or latinas.we started looking for a good aisle to film in, after we'd found a good aisle Barry started recording we started doing our usual stuff  making sexual jokes me sounding like I'm being possessed every time I burp after a while I put my hand in my pocket to find the remote and making sure the camera couldn't see I turned it up to 25% I enjoyed watching Johnnie squirming to try to stay calm and act normal after about 2 minutes I turned it off I saw johnnie instantly ease up. After about an hour we'd finished filming so as we had just done the outro when me and johnnie went to our car and Barry went to his. On the drive home I was getting ready to put the vibrator up to 50% I knew this would break Johnnie I turned it on when he was least expecting it he bucked his hips up and started to thrust the air "uh~ Jake~turn it off~ I already came~" I was surprised "that horny?huh" "shut up Jake"

A/N sorry if this is rlly bad (420 words🤭)

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