A Fine-Tune Melody {1}

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Toya Aoyagi. A name that, when asking anybody in Makiyaka High, would strike no memories. The combined syllables weren't a product of something two people could hold any sense of pride in, or a being that his peers could consider someone enjoyable to be around.

Toya Aoyagi was, in the simplest of words, nothing. He was, simultaneously, a human being and an empty space in the midst of a thousand-mile long world.

That being said, his life was, for the most part, enjoyable. There were its ups and downs, anyone had those, yet he considered his to be rather minor, paling in comparison to those of anybody else. And he could take pride in that, that he didn't have to struggle with a problematic life that others held.

It wasn't as if he had absolutely no one, anyway. He had his family— the Tenmas, he couldn't force himself to view his biological parents as brothers as his real ones— and he had An, and he was content. That's all that mattered.

He shook his head, letting out a small exhale before running his hand through his hair. He had to get over his zoning out problem, the mental note about how much more often it had been occurring hanging in his mind like a leaf from a branch. The hot air flew itself in his direction, like it was attempting to stop his rather brisk pace. His gray shirt hung loosely from him, slightly damp from built-up sweat.

"Man, why has it been so hot lately?" An whined, shuffling closer to Toya. "Half my wardrobe is just jackets and stuff, it's so annoying needing to rewear the same five things."
"You aren't one to complain about your clothes," Toya commented, hands fidgeting with the collar of his shirt.

She was right, it was getting increasingly warmer. It wasn't annoying, per se, but not being able to go out as much certainly was. The scenery was one of the few things he could enjoy about the summer, and to have that whisked away from them by it just being too uncomfortable was overwhelmingly frustrating.

"It's not like I'm mad about the limited choices. It's how often you need to wash these damn things, especially with frequent live shows! They host so many during the summer, it's so stupid." She groaned, resting her hands against her hips.
"I'm sorry to hear that," he said, voice coming out genuine, yet almost unconvinced.

The wind rustled the trees' leaves, returning to its typical gentle nature. It caressed Toya's skin, only lightly brushing against him. He let out a slight chuckle, continuing his walk.

The sun held itself high in the sky, close to the direct center. As much as he enjoyed school, he wished he could see that more often, or at least not see it be closer to the horizon every time he left that building. He supposed, though, that it wasn't like he could directly see it anyways. That would lead to him being blind.

A dry chuckle left his throat at the poor-quality joke, the girl beside him shooting him a concerned glance.

"What're you laughing at?" She asked.
"A bad joke," he explained. An only stared at him. "Are you not going to ask what it was?"
"No. I'm gonna take your word for that. I'm not someone who enjoys bad jokes. Or I guess dad jokes."
"You don't like your own sense of humor?"
"Dude!" She hissed.

As An glared at him, she took off her vibrant cyan jacket and tied it around her waist. It dangled loosely, pairing well with her white sweatpants.

Briefly, he phased back into his own mind, wondering what the following school year would be like. As did most students, he used his weekends to his advantage, to try to adjust to the difference in workloads and schedule. Relaxing hadn't really been a priority, though, not since he lost his camera; a lot of what he did was based off his photography.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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