the date

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There's smut in this chapter btw :)

After his shift ended, Solar walked over to the fazcade nervously. As he arrived, he saw Ruin putting the finishing touches to a den-like fort made between two arcade machine with some blankets and pillows. it was big enough to stand up in and had a small sofa and DVD player.

Solar: wow, Ruin, that looks... Cosy.

Ruin: I hope so, I also found some movies and got some popcorn.

Solar: nice, what movies?

Ruin handed solar 4 movies. Solar picked out a movie called the Hunger games.

Solar: what's this one about?

Ruin: oh! That's got a few parts to it. Basically, a bunch of people are chosen to fight to the death in an arena until there's one Victor, there's a lot more stuff that happens throughout the 3 movies.

Solar: that sounds... Interesting.

Ruin: it is! I've read all three books, but haven't seen the films.

Solar: well, let's watch it then.

Solar took the disc out of its case and put it in the DVD player, set everything up and sat next to ruin, between them was the bowl of popcorn.

As they watched, it got to one of the kiss scenes. Ruined glance at solar and blushed. Ruin went to take a piece of popcorn and at the same time so did Solar, the hands touched.

Ruin: oh! Sorry, Solar.
Ruin laughed awkwardly and blushed more

Solar: heh, it's fine.
Solar looked away and blushed.

The first movie ended, solar got up to swap the discs. After he set up the movies he turned around to sit down but tripped up some arcade wires and almost fell on ruin, but managed to put a hand either side of them. Now, they were both staring into each other's eyes, both blushing hard. Ruin smiled seducively

Ruin: I know I've said this, but your eyes are so beautiful~

Solar: t-thanks, you too

Ruin put a hand on the side of Solars face, pulling Solar closer

Ruin: it hard to put your looks into words me dear~

Solar: R-Ruin, I- I...

Ruin pulled solar even closer, almost touching. They both shut their eyes and kissed. Ruin put there other hand on Solar's waste trying to pull his whole body closer, Solar didn't resist.

Solar pushed run back against the couch and eventually had them lying down, Solar on top of Ruin still kissing

Ruin: mmh~

Solar: shhh, I'll be gentle~

Ruin: oh please, do your worst~

Solar: heh, your wish is my command~

They both continue to kiss and eventually went further (use your imagination for that bit). After that they both laid with each other in arms for the rest of the night.

hope y'all like that. I don't know how to carry this on so if you have any ideas or requests please comment.

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