...Or So They Hoped

120 6 2

Word Count: 924  


[Many decades before the events of Fragments]

   Options were running out, just as time was slowly ticking away for the Chromatics.

   In a room sat the seven Leaders, silent with grave anticipation on their minds. None of them, not even the Red Leader, the wisest steve in the world, knew what their next course of action could be. What was left for them to do? Their resources were already exhausted, and their army couldn't keep this fight up forever, despite how powerful the beings within it were created to be. It worried them that nothing came to mind.

"Does anyone actually have an idea of what we could do?" Red Leader asked the question on everyone's minds. "We can't just sit here and do nothing while our world falls apart outside. We need a plan."

Yellow Leader shook his head. "Every plan we've tried failed. It's only a matter of time before the army falls and we end up losing this war. It's a situation where none of us win..."

Anything the other Leaders wanted to say died on their tongues. Yellow Leader had a point; no matter what they did, no matter how hard they tried to push back against their adversary, nothing seemed to work. Every plan brought to fruition died as quickly as they could get the words out of their mouths. It wasn't that their plans were bad; the problem was how their enemy could counter them.

Options now were more limited than before.

The doors to the silent hall suddenly burst open, startling most of the Leaders inside. Inside ran a commander of their army, eyes wide and shaken.

"Leaders!" He called frantically. His eyes darted around the room, noting in his scattered mind that every Leader was present. "I bring bad news."

"What is it?" Orange Leader took a turn to talk. "Speak, soldier!"

Said steve took a moment to calm his rapid breathing. It seemed he was either really panicked or winded, but it seemed like a combination of both in this moment. When he spoke, however, a new feeling seemed to set in:

"The Violet Kingdom is under siege."

The Leaders all turned to the one who reigned over the kingdom. He hadn't spoken much during this meeting, as he wasn't fond of violence and military operations. As a Leader, though, he came anyways, even if just to stay informed on their current situation.

As he heard the news, however, he spoke with a shaky voice: "We need a plan."

Yellow Leader turned to the commander who ran in. "Gather any troops you can and defend the Violet Kingdom at all costs. If there's any kingdom we can't afford to lose, it's that one."

The commander nodded and raced away.

"What is there that we can do?" Green Leader spoke up, turning his attention back to the Violet Leader. "We don't have many options left to act on."

"But I don't want my kingdom falling!" Violet Leader abruptly stood from his chair. "We all know the consequences if that happens."

Silence fell again. Violet Leader sat back in his chair with a sigh and shake of his head. Time was more precious now than ever, but every second that ticked by with no course of action felt like an eternity. That is, until Red Leader spoke up:

"What if we use the failsafe?"

The other six Leaders exchanged uncertain glances. "Now?" Indigo Leader spoke. "I thought we agreed to do that in absolutely dire circumstances. Not to mention that we're essentially taking a written fate into our own hands. That never ends well."

Red Leader stifled a sigh, standing from his seat. "I know, but right now, the situation does look dire. Our army can't hold him off forever, and if he takes the Violet Kingdom, our world is as good as gone. I say we do it."

"I agree," Yellow Leader stood from his chair.

"So do I," Violet Leader also stood.

The other Leaders began to rise from their chairs, until the last one still seated was Indigo Leader. He shook his head, knowing the other six Leaders wouldn't be convinced of doing anything else, then rose as well.

"Good." Red Leader nodded. "Did you all bring your Crystals?"

The other Leaders nodded, revealing the relics from so long ago. They glittered in the soft light of the room. Red Leader also brought out his, the same effect being created as it hit the light.

"Just like we said," Orange Leader looked around the room, "concentrate your Crystal's energy into the center of the room."

The other Leaders nodded in confirmation. Orange Leader raised his Crystal. "Alright. 3...2...1...go!"

At once the room was washed in white light and lightning bolts. The sounds of seven energies clashing was all anyone nearby could feel and hear, miraculously not exploding the room it was being contained in.

As the Leaders concentrated, they could feel the essences of their Crystals slip from their hands and into the center of the room. It was working; they just had to keep their focus.

Eyes closing, brows furrowing, the Leaders kept sending their Crystals' energy toward the flurry of lightning bolts. Until, at last, it was done.

The lightning began to dissipate, leaving in its place a new steve. He was a combination of all the Crystals together, one color fading into another in a beautiful ombré pattern. His eyes opened, revealing multicolored eyes, pieced together like stained glass fractures.

This was it. This was destiny taken into their hands. This would be their Savior...

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