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  I was back home but Michael still thought I'm in the hospital for the next twenty days. He treated me like I couldn't get up and walk at all. When I actually could. But it was cute. Today I was feeling really good and I went out for a walk with Michael. He dropped me at Betty's house saying that he has a surprise for me and he has to work on that. I was honestly hoping the surprise is some good sex because I miss it. And I miss being that close to him. And I sound really shallow when I say that.

  He called me around 8'o clock asking me to come down since he has his car down Betty's apartment. I bid my "bye bye" to Betty and Ashton and head downstairs.  As I get out of the house, I see Michael waiting in the car right in front of me, so I walk towards the car and make myself comfortable on the passenger seat. He starts driving. We don't speak for a few minutes.

"Where are we going?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"You'll see," he smirks.

"I don't have time for your games," I roll my eyes, "just tell me!"

"Why are you so flustered?" he chuckles, "Do you miss me too much?" 

I suddenly get what he's talking about. He's teasing me. 

"I'm not missing anything," I say.

"Anything?" He looks at me and smirks again. Fucking hell.

"I mean, I don't miss you," I reply.

"We'll see," he winks.


After, like, 15 minutes he parks the car and I get out. He walks towards me and embraces me in his arms, "I missed you too much, even if you say you didn't miss me," he says and kisses me.

I kiss him back, "I missed you too," I murmur, "It's been too long,"

"Mmhmm," he breaks the kiss, "But before that, I have something important to tell you,"

"Yeah, sure, go ahead," I say, but I interrupt him before he spoke, "Where are we though?"

"That's what I was going to tell you," He coughs, "This.. uh.. okay, don't be mad," he looked nervous, "Thisisournewhouse,"

"What?" I ask him, not understanding him.

"Okay, uh, I.. got this house for us," he bites his lower lip, "But you can pay rent or whatever! Honestly!"

I laugh at his nervousness, "It's fine, Michael," I play with his hair, "I know you've wanted a new house for a long time, and I'm really happy you brought one,"

He takes a deep breath, "Uh, yeah," he smiles and pecks my lips, "Come in! You've got to see the interior!"

We go in and honestly, the house was beautiful. It was bigger than our last apartment and it just felt...so good and warm. Like, it's actually home.

"I love it," I say as I sit on the bed of our bedroom, Michael sat beside me and lifted me up so I sit on his lap, I start kissing him as soon as he caressed my cheeks. We made out for some time and he again broke the kiss, "I wanted to ask you something else too," he said, breathlessly.

"What?" I ask, annoyed at the lack of contact of our lips.

"Okay," He places me on the bed again, and walks out.

"Michael!" I yell, "C'mon! We can do your asking shit later,"

"Just a second!" he replies back.

When he returns, he has roses in his hands and he's blushing really, really, a lot. 

"What is the matter with you?" I ask, chuckling, because he is so cute.

"Uhhh," he starts, "This is not exactly how I planned it, but since you're so horny, I'm just gonna do it really quick," he says and I blush a little, too, getting a hint of what he might want to ask me. He gets on his knee, and removes a ring from his pocket, "Emizie, would you want to marry the most unromantic, stupid, stubborn, annoying, irritating, short tempered guy who has a mental age of a 4 year old kid and who is so damn whipped to you and wouldn't leave you alone ever?"

I chuckle, biting my lower lip, he is so goddamn adorable. Oh my god. I was blushing so much. I was probably as red as a tomato, "Yes!" I say, and then I say it louder, "Yes, you idiot! I would love to marry someone like you!" I reply and give my hand to him.

He smiles down, making me wear the ring and looks up at me, kissing me for a good minute, "I'm the luckiest guy, ever," he murmurs against my lips.

"And, I'm the luckiest girl, ever!" I giggle back and I lift him up and lay down, with him above me and experience the best night of my entire life. My first night with Michael. Being his fiancee.

Skater Girl Meets The World // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now